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Finished Journey to Kavdek


Lord of Altera
Currently at a travel station heading home from a road trip. If bolvar wants us to got then I might go
Yeah, probably gonna take up @Valonyx on his offer, if he takes all 3 or 4 of us ;).
While 4 is imho enough for the ship i'd want to take, its too uncertain, and given the high probability that @Tarron gets attacked by Australia's local fauna launching a ship alone seems to have very little success :p


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Oh my, the purple court shall ready up it's own ship.

What could go wrong if the Haven royalty joined this trip, I wonder...
I imagine Marr and Lavoyard's fleets will open fire upon one another.

After that there would probably only be one ship left and only enough Combined Marr and Lavoyard crew to man it and we would have to work together to get home

That or we all get stranded on Kavdek,
Fight each other/fend off whatever threats are there

(Hopefully none of that ;) )
Marr+Lavoyard+Catmurderers= Rekd

But for real, this is gonna be an awesome event and I can guarantee at least, that while were at sea nothing will be done towards Haven. ;)
Honestly... If Marr and Lavoyard get stuck and have to work together to get out that'd be awesome. So much fun could be had~
*beckons to Bolvar to engage in jolly cooperation with the frenchmen on Le Navigateur*
Peter is 10/10 totally coming. Time to meet some heathen Nakat natives (hopefully.)
Have a crew of eight or so if a ship needs hands.~
The Lavoyardian ship has been prepared, and our crew of around ten or so people are eager to join.
How I feel if all of you are gone, who's gonna help me to overthrow all other kings and claim the central crown?


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
If Daeron's needed at all feel free to add him to a list.
If you do though, please let me know, and him know xD


Lord of Altera
Ok. We need all ships finished and posted here by tomorrow or they won't be coming!
Mich needs to place them in the event so tomorrow is the deadline.


Lord of Altera
Ok checked the Explo ship... and if those 2 things on the side are supposed to be buoys to keep it stable this ship is gonna be n one hell of a problem if one of them gets busted >>


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Juno will come, and force Frost to come with her!
The Knights will all drive together ;);
Look since we're potentially talking about two Different ships (Marr still considers her position legitimite correct?) that could each have different things happen to them I think we should RP this.
I mean, first of all I don't drive ships. Don't even ask. Second of all there is a good chance alot of us will DIE

So lets have it decided through RP.


Lord of Altera
Look since we're potentially talking about two Different ships (Marr still considers her position legitimite correct?) that could each have different things happen to them I think we should RP this.
I mean, first of all I don't drive ships. Don't even ask. Second of all there is a good chance alot of us will DIE

So lets have it decided through RP.
Thats what I told Lucius earlier. - Cause I'm kinda IC reluctant to go on a ship with the guys whose god I put an axe into the face :p.
On the othr hand, a couples can also make things hella dangerous when things go out of control.

tbh I'd prefer to bring our own ship, but I'd get castrated if its sinking 5 meter after start so I'll leave it in HR.


Lord of Altera
Thats what I told Lucius earlier. - Cause I'm kinda IC reluctant to go on a ship with the guys whose god I put an axe into the face :p.
On the othr hand, a couples can also make things hella dangerous when things go out of control.

tbh I'd prefer to bring our own ship, but I'd get castrated if its sinking 5 meter after start so I'll leave it in HR.
Hmm, I'd say you could ride our boat but we already have a lot of people wanting to come. Altho is @Lannis crew won't come with out ship, I really would like some more experience sailors to help