Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming A public debate and announcement


Yū Yi
-This message would be found around The Crossroads-

Due to current situation with the absence of Tybalt Rhett, King and Ruler of Marr, it is Marr's new leader writing.
I wish to summon upon thou, King Arthorius and Representative of the Engems, Chalkan. I understand that we seem to have some conflicts between our people, but it is in my best wishes that we settle this peacefully. War brings nothing but destruction and pain, not to mention that it stops progress.
The meeting will be public and held in Azerport.
Let the people be the judges for our future and let us, as leaders, help forge better options for our people. In this meeting I will announce myself, but for now. I am the Lady in Red. We will also discuss our dispute and come to a peaceful agreement. Remember we only help to forge the future. The people will be our judges and it is in everyones interest to be with and not against your people.

Also, King Arthorius, it seems we have caught on to someone who seemingly knows you.

Safe travels.

With a better font~
Due to current situation with the absence of Tybalt Rhett, King and Ruler of Marr, it is Marr's new leader writing.
I wish to summon upon thou, King Arthorius and Representative of the Engems, Chalkan. I understand that we seem to have some conflicts between our people, but it is in my best wishes that we settle this peacefully. War brings nothing but destruction and pain, not to mention that it stops progress.
The meeting will be public and held in Azerport.
Let the people be the judges for our future and let us, as leaders, help forge better options for our people. In this meeting I will announce myself, but for now. I am the Lady in Red. We will also discuss our dispute and come to a peaceful agreement. Remember we only help to forge the future. The people will be our judges and it is in everyones interest to be with and not against your people.

Also, King Arthorius, it seems we have caught someone who seemingly knows you.

Safe travels.

OOC information.

This thread is basically both an announcement that there is a new leader for Marr, but it is not known ICly yet.

This will be an open event for debate and discussion, where Lavoyard, Marr and Engem will iron out their disputes in a hopefully peaceful manner.
And yes, I said peaceful. Meaning that, despite it being completly stupid to make any attacks, it is also discouraged.

Position: Azerport (more information will be given later)
Event Classification: Peaceful
Time: Not decided yet, will be discussed with others.
Date: Not decided yet, will be discussed with others.

Important people
@Please come everyone, the more the merrier.


Yū Yi
Oh come on. You seriously cannot make this sort of event peaceful. It should aim to be peaceful but not forced. This whole situation is incredibly bloody, so I don't even think a peaceful classification should be allowed.
Calm down, you can give critic and say things without sounding like someone has already argued this for days.

I can go with it being a goal, but I have people telling me they will not attend if I can not assure a peaceful event.

Also, I still rest my point in the fact that it is incredibly stupid to do any violence in this situation of the event.

Edit: A calmer entrance for your message would be deeply appriciated, I do not like a new thread being greeted like that.


Lord of Altera
Oh come on. You seriously cannot make this sort of event peaceful. It should aim to be peaceful but not forced. This whole situation is incredibly bloody, so I don't even think a peaceful classification should be allowed.
I believe in the medieval times Diplomacy like this would be quite common, and honor would be upheld most of the time by the nations here [Engems not included]
and even if things went south and nothing was decided, Violence would not normally arise in that sort of meeting.


Yū Yi
Except this was brought up when classifications were first created, and I was told that this sort of thing wouldn't be allowed. Hence why I'm not "calm", as you put it.
But I was not explained that and you probably got it explained in a more neutral attitude, which I prefer.

This is second time I host an event in my whole RP life and the last one I hosted caused me so much stress that I nearly fainted, so I apriciate critic, just as long as it stays constructive and not offensive.


Yū Yi
I would like to ask a staff about this.
I apologize for any hostility from me, but I just got some bad memories from my first event.

I was and still not quite aware of what you brought up @Man5791
But I got a little hurt to being told it in that way, sorry.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I would like to ask a staff about this.
I apologize for any hostility from me, but I just got some bad memories from my first event.

I was and still not quite aware of what you brought up @Man5791
But I got a little hurt to being told it in that way, sorry.
Ask a staff about what?
Its your event, you can prefer more peaceful or violent roleplay- Kudos to you.
If someone has an issue they can simply choose not to attend.


Yū Yi
Gonna go to bed, I am sorry @Man5791 for any mistakes on my parts, but understand that not I did not know and when I am already rusty in events, I take things deeper than people may think.

I will try and edit this thread and figure out more about what I apparently did wrong.

Ask a staff about what?
Its your event, you can prefer more peaceful or violent roleplay- Kudos to you.
If someone has an issue they can simply choose not to attend.

Man just seems to disagree with the fact that I can do that, but I want to do what I can to make most people attend, so I will look into this tomorow.

Just to clear things up.
I am nervous, I am rusty and have not really attended or have that much experience in event hosting.
I am deeply sorry for any mistakes on my part, I want to compromise it so as many people will be satisfied as possible.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Hey, no need to apologize so much :D
Events aren't some crazy big deal, I'm pretty sure you don't need 'experience' to host a good one. You're doing just fine- I hope the event goes well, and I look forward to attending ^^

Should mention right now that this is a collaborative roleplay server. Some people prefer non-violent playtime and that is A-OK, folks need to respect that. Someone who absolutely cannot compromise or respect other people might be better off interacting with like minded sort and keeping away from contentious situations, like a peaceful event if they want to initiative violence or believe it should be initiated.
(If @Man5791 continues to have an issue, he can talk to me privately. )


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I will be happy to come be a gentle reminder to folks that this event is peaceful, provided it's at a time in not working.


Coffee Enthusiast
I believe in the medieval times Diplomacy like this would be quite common, and honor would be upheld most of the time by the nations here [Engems not included]
and even if things went south and nothing was decided, Violence would not normally arise in that sort of meeting.


Lord of Altera
*the Caesar would faintly smile*

*written in old Arcturian characters, as an answer destined for only those that could claim the knowledge of such a noble yet almost dead tongue*
I see that some would have come to realize the gravity at hand, yet it may already be too late to stop the awakening of the Lion.
Thy who summon me, know that the Lyserium strongly opposed to any attention given to such a clear attempt...
Yet my curiosity has been awakened. May thy's words be worthy of thy's claims and my's attention, dear Azerwind.

Arthorius Arcturus


Lord of Altera
*the Caesar would faintly smile*

*written in old Arcturian characters, as an answer destined for only those that could claim the knowledge of such a noble yet almost dead tongue*
I see that some would have come to realize the gravity at hand, yet it may already be too late to stop the awakening of the Lion.
Thy who summon me, know that the Lyserium strongly opposed to any attention given to such a clear attempt...
Yet my curiosity has been awakened. May thy's words be worthy of thy's claims and my's attention, dear Azerwind.

Arthorius Arcturus
for whatever reason, that put the most sly smile on my face, and maybe a shiver
or two


Yū Yi
*the Caesar would faintly smile*

*written in old Arcturian characters, as an answer destined for only those that could claim the knowledge of such a noble yet almost dead tongue*
I see that some would have come to realize the gravity at hand, yet it may already be too late to stop the awakening of the Lion.
Thy who summon me, know that the Lyserium strongly opposed to any attention given to such a clear attempt...
Yet my curiosity has been awakened. May thy's words be worthy of thy's claims and my's attention, dear Azerwind.

Arthorius Arcturus
Everything seems fine here, but what gives him the assumption that it is an Azerwind? :D