Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
I'm back and ready to serve~ I think Lucius and Tybalt convo-host this.

If in a forum convo you can relay to us things you want us to go over that would be amazing :)


Magus of Nothing
He also told me to spend less time here, but shhhh.
I hate to say this but if your Doctor's telling you to play less then perhaps you should listen to him/her?

I just think that he/she will know what's best and it may be important that you cut down on your time.

That said, I want this event to go forwards, it looks interesting.


Yū Yi
I hate to say this but if your Doctor's telling you to play less then perhaps you should listen to him/her?

I just think that he/she will know what's best and it may be important that you cut down on your time.

That said, I want this event to go forwards, it looks interesting.
Was meant as a joke to brighten the post ^^

Of course, as result of me being more busy I will spend less time here.

But I will not go as far down to only being 3 hours a week here. :D