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Yū Yi

I have thought about the peaceful thing. And I am willing to join at a middle part.

This basically means.

"Not peaceful, but violence is heavily punished".

Something like that?
Please, instead of ratings, i want to hear opinions. :D


Lord of Altera

I have thought about the peaceful thing. And I am willing to join at a middle part.

This basically means.

"Not peaceful, but violence is heavily punished".

Something like that?
Please, instead of ratings, i want to hear opinions. :D
Be sure to have a way of executing heavy punishments.


Lord of Altera

I have thought about the peaceful thing. And I am willing to join at a middle part.

This basically means.

"Not peaceful, but violence is heavily punished".

Something like that?
Please, instead of ratings, i want to hear opinions. :D
Mok, Unless someone plans to assassinate someone in that meeting, there is no reason to make it less then peaceful, its Peaceful Diplomacy, not
type of diplomacy. That could happen IF people were forewarned and consented to it prior to the meeting in the first place.
just my opinion, not forcing ya or nothing. :p

EDIT: Ive been wanting to use that photo for a long time.


Yū Yi
*the Caesar would faintly smile*

*written in old Arcturian characters, as an answer destined for only those that could claim the knowledge of such a noble yet almost dead tongue*
I see that some would have come to realize the gravity at hand, yet it may already be too late to stop the awakening of the Lion.
Thy who summon me, know that the Lyserium strongly opposed to any attention given to such a clear attempt...
Yet my curiosity has been awakened. May thy's words be worthy of thy's claims and my's attention, dear Azerwind.

Arthorius Arcturus
-The Lady in Red would confidently reply-

*Written in common*
I am not sure of what you letter said, but it seems your little friend here understood it. She was even so nice and explained it a little for me, she is such a nice girl is she not?
Fear not, we are taking good care of her, do not misunderstand us. We only want peace, but currently she knows more than we want you to know.

I look forward to our meeting.

May the winds be with you.

-The Lady in Red


Yū Yi
Will be another day.

I am unbelievable tired (first advent is really busy in a flower shop"
and I am not prepared enough.


Yū Yi
Sadly not avaible.

When I made this event I could not have foreseen all the school work I suddenly got and a set back of stress.
Gonna prioritize school after recommendation from my psychology. :(
Will still try to make this a thing.


Lord of Altera
Mok, it is in no way my will to press or stress you, but do you think this could be a thing prior to Saturday, December 13th (the Jishrim event)?
It would be much, much appreciated if that could be achieved. :)


Yū Yi
This has been on my mind a lot and... It saddens me.

Lately I have not been able to really do /anything/ on this and it does not help that over time my ideas have just grown.
I have been extremly busy with things IRL and most of the days I have not had acces to a pc the whole day and go directly to sleep.

I also talked to the psychologist about HW and he recommended that I did not create any date-like plans here, cause having a deadline is currently the worst thing I can have.
He also told me to spend less time here, but shhhh.

I have gotten a time at my doctor where I will talk about my surprising high resting pulse (115, and I train really often)

I still want this to happend, but I want to pass it on to someone else... as it has proven me that I am not quite ready or in a situation where I can host this event.


Lord of Altera
This has been on my mind a lot and... It saddens me.

Lately I have not been able to really do /anything/ on this and it does not help that over time my ideas have just grown.
I have been extremly busy with things IRL and most of the days I have not had acces to a pc the whole day and go directly to sleep.

I also talked to the psychologist about HW and he recommended that I did not create any date-like plans here, cause having a deadline is currently the worst thing I can have.
He also told me to spend less time here, but shhhh.

I have gotten a time at my doctor where I will talk about my surprising high resting pulse (115, and I train really often)

I still want this to happend, but I want to pass it on to someone else... as it has proven me that I am not quite ready or in a situation where I can host this event.
Im up for it, given the details ~