Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Fort] - Red Haven


Grand Lizard
For the more up to date content please use our wiki page:

Settlement Name: Red Haven

Mayor: Kaies

Current Wealth: Average

X: Y: Z: 3400, -2640

Population: 7

Link to location on map:

Daily Tax Rate: No Tax (trying to implement a donation system)

Small plot - 11x13 : Free
Medium Plot - 13x17 : 1000R
Large Plot - 15-19 : 5000R+

Town Rules*:

  • Don't build on the roads, over is ok as long as its 4 blocks higher than the roads. (The roads count as the 3 slabs and the cobble either side)
  • Don't build in other people's houses
  • Don't PVP without permission.
  • Don't Steal
  • Do everything the mayor tells you to do.
  • Obey the assistants, but if they tell you to do something and you think it may not be right and may break certain rules take it up with the mayor.
  • No interior trees
  • Keep to town theme
  • No personal mines, use the sorrow lands for that
  • no personal animal or crop farms.
  • gardens are allowed as long as they are fenced with, fences, bars or leaves.
* These rules are subject to change. Breaking these rules may get you removed from the town.

Town Division - The town is divided into 4 areas and a 5th non town area. The area represents what kind of buildings are to be found there, for instance, in the stone quarter all the buildings are to be made out of stone, no wood is allowed. In the Wood quarter all the buildings have to be made out of wood, no stone is allowed (unless its in really small amounts). The Main quarter is buildings built by the mayor or by players with special permission and the farm quarter is for farming only. Castle Red Haven is strictly off limits to building by a player, only the Kaies is allowed to build there and usually the castle is off limits to visitors too.

  • Main Quarter - Blue
  • Stone Quarter - Yellow
  • Wood Quarter - Orange
  • Farm Quarter - Green
  • Castle Red Haven - Red

Allowed/Disallowed Building Materials

General -
  • Gravel (Disallowed)
Stone Quarter -
  • Cobble stone
  • Smooth Stone
  • Sand
  • Sand Stone
  • Half blocks of stone type
  • Red Brick
  • Stone Bricks
  • Wooden Fences (Decoration)
  • Wool
Wood Quarter -
  • Logs
  • Planks
  • Half blocks of wood type
  • Red Bricks
  • Sand
  • Wool
If you think there is anything that should be added to the list, please contact Kaies or the Mayor.

We welcome any creed or colour, we only ask you to follow our rules.

Residents: , Kaies, DCFCjozef, Dragon4real2,Lady_Alec (Guest), RobinHood5 (Guest), NinjaDucky16,FooHundred,ZETHCRON


Grand Lizard
Description / Introduction:

Red Haven used to be a small fishing town in desert far south of Port Silver, It is a quite little town and not much goes on there. Recently the king needed some one to defend the south from invaders as it was wide open to attack, therefor the king appointed a Prince there who goes by the name Qúalrha. Construction started on a great castle for Red Haven where the Prince could reside, it soon started to attract people from all over Altera due to the immense structure.

The town began to become more and more popular, people were moving in every week. Soon however the Prince grew bored of the town, he had a feeling there was no imminent danger from the south, and he had suspicions the King sent him here to get rid of him. The Prince wanted battle, blood and gore, not to sit around on his arse all day baby sitting villagers. So the prince decided to hand over control of the town to his right hand man and general, the prince took off to go on adventure whilst a nobleman named Surin was left behind to defend the villagers.

Trading was going well with the outlying villages, they had a constant supply of resources from traders. Soon however the traders came in lesser numbers, the market has gotten quite. The mayor concerned asked some of the traders if anything was wrong, the trader did not know of anything wrong so the mayor just decided to wait and see. Soon contact with their main supplier, the town of Raw Hill, had became completely non existent. The mayor, concerned once again decided to send out a scouting party.

The scouts made it to Raw Hill that night, the town appeared to be empty and their was a eerie air to the town. The scouts carefully made their way through the town, heading towards the tavern. The scouts entered the tavern, the sight they saw would scar them for the rest of their lives. Bodies were hanging down from the ceiling, the heads of these bodies appeared to have been chopped off. In the corner of the tavern a man was slumped to the floor, once of the scouts approached it and tested to see if he was alive, the man grabbed the scout's leg and screamed "RUN! Before they get you!". The hanging bodies started to wriggle and spasm, the scouts wasted no time getting out of the town.

The scouts were running through the forest in the direction of Red Haven, one scout look behind to see what was chasing them, he could see a human figure running towards him. The figure had no arms and half of his head was missing. The scout not looking where he was going tripped on a root of a tree, the being caught up with him and the rest of the scouts heard screams. None of them stopped to help the poor man, they were all running with what energy they had left.

Only one scout made it back to Red Haven, The scout was presented to the Mayor, sitting on the throne the mayor looked the scout over. He was covered in blood and appeared to have a nasty wound on his right shoulder. The Mayor commanded he was to be bathed and rested so he could give his report on the morrow.


Lord of Altera
Not sure if you noticed, but the dynamic map is quite strange. Instead of being to the south, Dakseil Rose is far to the East. So you are the Far East.


Lord of Altera
Not if you consider where the sun rises and sets. The Docks of Port Silver therefore are to the East end of the City. Even the compass on the map shows the correct points. Dakseil is to the East.


Grand Lizard
Who says the magnetic poles and the sun set and rises in the same way as earth here? I'm going based on the map as its more logical and quicker to read.


Lord of Altera
Well I said Darkwood is in the West, which is the opposite end of the map. This means that despite everything else, I am in the North?


Grand Lizard
  • Updates​
  • New screen shots
  • We now have a tavern
  • We now have a basic farm
  • The rp intro has changed


Loyal Servant of Altera
Aye, now if only i could get more residents...
Well kaies, I am searching for a new town to join, and yours may be the one. Although I am on vacation at the moment, I probably won't join one until i return home in 2 weeks time.