Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Fort] - Red Haven


Lord of Altera
i have just arrived at fort red haven after walking all the way from the spawn, ive traversed oceans, mountains and forests :D can i join your town?


Grand Lizard
Sure you can join the town, i must of missed your message though so sorry for the wait.

  • We now have a boat and voxel port set up!


Lord of Altera
Tell me, what is required to join your town "Red Haven"? If any requirements at all and if none, can you tell me how to join; how to get there without coordinates, I play on a MAC coordinates can not been here like on a PC.


Grand Lizard
Well, as we have a boat you can use that to get there, if we are also on at the same time i can invite you to then town. If you accept you can then use /town spawn to get there.


Lord of Altera
I'm not entirely sure about this but, maybe you could add sandstone to the stone quarter. It's just I have a bit too much sandstone and would like to put it to good use, it also seems appropriate to allow sandstone in the stone quarter, at least in my opinion I know you might think other wise. It also looks like the stone quarter could use something else other then grey, possibly sandstone AND nether brick?


Grand Lizard
He is the towns assistant mayor, when i said "i would look into it" he and i talked about if it should be allowed.


Lord of Altera
Oh... Great! :) Kinda disappointed nether brick was not accepted though, red is a great color but we can not everything we want.


Grand Lizard
Updated. New stuff in orange.
  • Removed screenshots taking up space, plan to add a gallery
  • Paster intro into new post to stop the main post being huge
  • Plan to use the wiki more, this page will be updated less and will have a link directing people to the wiki page


Loyal Servant of Altera
I would like to permission to build a Red Haven Administrative Council HQ in the main Quarter of Red Haven. This building will house RHAC meetings and discussions, and is the area where important decisions are made. Think of it as the Pariliament of the nation. This is also the place where new residents are brought to to infrom them of town rules etc, as well as the crimson rule. The building would not be huge as of now either, and would contain books on the ground floor including these rule etc within their pages.


Grand Lizard
Yes, but where though. We dont have any room as we need to extend the towny borders. You can use the building you spawn in, that was supposed to be the governmental building.


Lord of Altera
You probably already heard this but this would be a double reminder or triple or quadruple.

Hey Kaies, your farm was getting trampled by mobs so I killed a few and replanted the wheat field. Also your cow pen door is opens itself letting out cows and letting in sheep, I don't know where the sheep came from.
Also I put a chest next to the melon farm with seeds, I suggest taking them. Also I also suggest building walls and claiming what ever you plan on claiming otherwise risk losing that your, among other things.


Lord of Altera
And that's the problem I expected... can we build walls? Just searching for some kind of solution and to adjust to the current change.