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Active Now [Religion - Shalherana] Is Great Mother forgotten?


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Aww man, I would of wanted to attend the Le Havre one as Samuel.


Lord of Altera
No! No other Diety but Ignis of Sunlight in Turia and Le Havre! Go proselytise somewhere else, heathens! >:C

:heart: is joking
*gestures to the Giant shrine to the God of Justice, Freedom, and Equality that was blessed by none other than the Rahas himself~*


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
Yey, a burned city!..a lot of work for Shalherana. ... It should be nice to RP about that, but it would not be possible if there was no one with permissions.
Ic there are bandits there.

If you would like I can play as them. They only really exist in thieves guild lore at the moment...


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Ic there are bandits there.

If you would like I can play as them. They only really exist in thieves guild lore at the moment...
Bandits? The violent bunch of guys, murdering, stealing and burning down things? Bring them all! They surely need to hear of Shalherana.


Storm's Landing Wanderer
First day of inspections has ended.
Olomet left Torailin, where he both spiritually and physically prepared for his long journey. He first traveled to Corrupted Temple, from there by a ship to Crossoroads and finally, he walked to Etheras.

He entered city at early morning unnoticed. Olomet then thoroughly inspected presence of Shalherana shrines. Sadly he failed to find any of them.
On the other hand, he has seen, several public gardens established, allowing citizens to ease their minds on a busy days and to feel a presence of Lifebringer through many of plants.
On following days an official letter will be sent to a lords of Etheras with a proposition to allow Priesthood of Shalherana to build a shrine or to turn one of the parks into a place of worship.

Olomet will now spend a night in a gardens of Etheras meditating, before he take ship to Cridhe on his way to Tauredal.