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[IC Wanted Poster] Scardrac Dormus


Lord of Altera
Just a final question- could I post a direct copy of this bounty on the Crossroad's with an actul book, stating that you issued the bounty? Or would you yourself need to do that?


Non sum qualis eram
Just a final question- could I post a direct copy of this bounty on the Crossroad's with an actul book, stating that you issued the bounty? Or would you yourself need to do that?
You can if you'd really like to. Forums just gave me better formatting and the ability to include a picture that didn't look like:



Non sum qualis eram
For the purposes of handling things and logistics - torched while /on/ the message board? Is the actual message board on fire? I'd presume this'd be a fairly obvious act of vandalism, yes?

The Courier

Lord of Altera
The poster was the only thing burned, or at least meant to be burned. If anything else was, well, I find it hard to believe a massive wooden board was burned because of one piece of paper. Obviously nearby other posters were ignited.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Why must people always tear down or destroy wanted posters? Half the time it isn't even the person who's wanted.


Lord of Altera
Well-then I would assume the whole Message Board is burned down, and then I guess somebody quickly repairs it. And plus, not only did you burn other people's messages-and possibly had the risk of burning the Inn itself?



Lord of Altera
Well-then I would assume the whole Message Board is burned down, and then I guess somebody quickly repairs it. And plus, not only did you burn other people's messages-and possibly had the risk of burning the Inn itself?

The message board is on a stone pillar. No risk of burning the inn.


Lord of Altera
The message board is on a stone pillar. No risk of burning the inn.
Still. . .if he just ripped the message off and then burned it, not a problem. *Shrug* But there might be a chance of the wind blowing just the right direction. . .and well, you never know.

Anyway-he still did techincally destroy everybody else's papers and message's, regaurdless of the fact they may/may not be up to date. I don't mean to start an argument, it is just posting messages on the board, they could be eaisly replaced, but eh. I won't go into it more.

*Ahem* As my RP response:

*Any posters that were burned or taken down, IC'ly or OOC'ly, were quietly and quikly replaced. This time however, the paper is of cheap material, easy to tear down and/or burn. Yet, the message would remain the same*


Lord of Altera
Am I the only one who thinks it's stupid to say you ripped the poster down? They are just going to get put back up and in the end you really achieved nothing but wasted time.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Am I the only one who thinks it's stupid to say you ripped the poster down? They are just going to get put back up and in the end you really achieved nothing but wasted time.
Other than personal satisfaction and the time and effort of some poor scribe?


Lord of Altera
Just so you guys know, I did actully write the wanted poster in an in-game book, went around, and emoted put them on. I'll likely do the same thing again.