Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Attention All Combat Characters!


Disclaimer: I am by no means claiming to be an expert on what I am about to present.

So, some time ago I decided to try and make an effort to teach as much as I can about a certain subject: Medieval arms, armaments, and their application into roleplay. Just recently, I have decided to make my character open up to potential apprenticeships or just general teachings. I see a lot of 'laid-back combat characters', combat characters who honestly have no clue what they are doing. It's not a bad thing, as people just don't know. I want to spread my efforts and try and teach people as much as I possibly can about what I know about medieval weapons and armor, and how best to apply them into roleplay.

So, this being said, I call out to those combat characters. Those who believe they are great, or those who really want to know more about the subject. Please, contact me in any way you can think. Skype, forums, or ingame. I want to try and rally everyone to make a sort of 'class' that also translates into RP learning. This is only an announcement to sort of get people interested and let people know what is coming up. Remind yourself that all classes have one thing in common: Criticism. This isn't just an effort to make a lot of people become a group. I plan to help people polish their knowledge about the subject, which might come with a lot of realizations or disappointment. I really hope to see a lot of people become interested in learning things. So, again. Please contact me in any way, preferably on Skype or the Forums.

This isn't going to become a main thread or a discussion thread. This thread's sole purpose is to rally and intrigue those people who might become or want to become involved into this project. Do not feel obligated if you are mentioned indirectly. This is to become a learning experience, not a prejudiced strike.

@The Courier


Lord of Altera
I would be happy to share my knowledge on this sort of thing. Use me as an instructor/mentor if you like.

I suppose I should list what I'm versed in.

Swordplay. ((short sword, rapier, longsword, but not great sword.))
Sword and Buckler.
Sword and Dagger. ((super the most favorite))
Dagger and Buckler.
Dagger and Dagger ((don't do this, you'll lose all your fingers.))
Sword and cloak ((not my favorite combo, and less versed in this))

Half Staff
Quarter Staff

12' Pike
Halberd ((Read, not practiced))

Warhammers/axes ((Read, not practiced))

Recurve Bow


Chain Mail
Plate Mail

And as far as styles -
Most versed in Renaissance style swordplay. ((George Silver))
Well read in Medieval German Long Swordplay. ((Hans Tollhofer))
Read in Medieval Italian Long Swordplay. ((Fiori de Libri))
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Lord of Altera
Knowledge on italian longsword, general medieval nobility/customs, history and arms and armour. Also have decent knowledge on metallurgy and medieval blacksmithing.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Yes, I would enjoy to learn more on this topic.

Recently on the advice of @Woolsey I've mainly been watching videos on weapons and armours as well as watching duels and reading about it to try and gain a better knowledge of the styles. I am of course interested in longsword (Which I already have some knowledge in) and would like to learn more, even tho my current character would never use a longsword :p

Contact me however, I believe most of the tagged people have my skype, or you can use the forums!

P.S; Extremely interested in doing HEMA when I am back at college, found a place near the dorms that teach!


Lord of Altera
Aye, I wish to learn more on the subject and polish what I do know. And I can teach like Gregor, Northern Italian Longsword fighting as that is what I have been personally studying over the past Eight months.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Will spears/lances knowledge be a thing? We have too few of them when as a medieval era putting a point of metal at the end of a stick is a lot easier and makes more sense,to me, as a common weapon than full longswords. I could be wrong.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Claymore and Zweihander uses, as well as bits and pieces of buckler and arming sword tactics. A lot of my combat is a free-form brawl like system, as I use two-handed weapons. If you wish for teaching in the department of large two-handed weapons [Claymore and +], talk to me.

ferrousorb = My skype
Daratrixi / braden3 = My IGN


Insert Custom Title here
I am immensly interested about this, and I would happily be tought whatever lessons are available on this! Current items that interest me the most are;





Lord of Altera
Also, even tho this is a hard Skill to say you are good at in Altera is too easy too because you can be as descriptive as *Shoots pointy stick*
But if anyone would like to learn about Archery. Types of wood that are best for bows, styles of bows, which arrows are good for what, and their physical limitations against different pieces of Armor. I do give IC Training.

  • Archery
  • Northern Italian Longsword Combat
  • Daggerplay (To a lesser extent)
If anyone wishes for me to teach them. I give IC lessons with links to sources of pictures and videos to help visualize what is being taught.
HumpFries123/TybaltGetRhekt - IGN
Tybalt.HumpFries123 - Skype


Lord of Altera
Will spears/lances knowledge be a thing? We have too few of them when as a medieval era putting a point of metal at the end of a stick is a lot easier and makes more sense,to me, as a common weapon than full longswords. I could be wrong.
Need a cheap weapon? Just slap a bit of iron/steel at the end of a stick!


Lord of Altera
Muh zweihandler's better then Landir's! :heart:

Also, french rapier combat (Duelists) I know well enough, although that's pretty much the paradoxal opposite of a zweihandler..


Dark Council Elite
ayy my character runs arOund in full plate and has for a few hundred years

If you want to learn more about the actual physical effects of armor use such as weight, drawbacks, movement fluidity, noise, and benefits, lemme know. Skype is glados101

Also I wOuld love to partake in learning @Scardrac. On perhaps an alt character, because Arch would get died immediately. Ya cool with teaching sandy nomad fella?


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
If you're interested, the learning hall in Thiil can be used for lessons/etc.


The Courier

Lord of Altera
Muh zweihandler's better then Landir's! :heart:

Also, french rapier combat (Duelists) I know well enough, although that's pretty much the paradoxal opposite of a zweihandler..
I'm intrigued of your french rapier combat. I've a character I'm planning on being a much more sophisticated noble woman, she'll use a rapier and buckler. Care to share knowledge sometime?


Lord of Altera
as alot of you know- [I dont shut up about it at all] I suck oocly at combat rp, its not because I dont want to learn, its because I have trouble understanding most things combat related that is not tactical and strategic. I never was excellent at one on ones, as I learned to be a general, not a warrior in my years of constant rts games and I have not had the time to learn proper combat RP because I dont have a.....tutor per se. [its /really/ hard for me to teach myself due to some things that happened] it would be great if someone could help teach me, I would be very grateful!
[ill finally be able to 1 vs 1 ECHO too now] and I will be open to learn fully, criticism and all!


Lord of Altera
I'm intrigued of your french rapier combat. I've a character I'm planning on being a much more sophisticated noble woman, she'll use a rapier and buckler. Care to share knowledge sometime?
I must admit that's it's pretty hard for me to both RP and teach RP combat, not because i'm not talented at it, but simply because, as a french-born person, my knowledge of moves, tacticals and items is mostly in french, hence i sometimes fail to understand correctly what's happening in english.

I like french styled duels, because most vocab is in French already... xD
''En Garde!'' ''Parade!'' ''Riposte!''


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I'd love any advice for Axe combat, even more so for more viking styled axe and shield, if anyone wishes to share their knowledge on the above topics, PM on the forums would be wonderful!

Thank you!