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Deceased [Revenant] Niah Kane


The Lurker
Retired Staff
If at any point, someone wants this character, just boop me. Aracena works with her husband Athryl to manage Thiil, Eriden, and political affairs. So if anything like that is needed, she'll be in Thiil and boopable. She mostly stays indoors, managing her lessened curse.

As per my profile post, Aracena's been moved to Alt with Niah bringing up to Main. Cena will still be played lots, but it's just that I'll be on Niah more ICly and doing things OOCly on the Cena account.~
Yup. Like the Aracena post and the profile say- Niah is leading the pack.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Oh hey. Right. Should also probably note she's spending less time at the training camp and more time back at the inn. That's a thing yes should anyone need her for RP.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Quite the overhaul. Re-did the goals to theft a version of @TheDeester 's Godric quest log. Also updated some religious inclinations. Changed her Favorite place. And re-did the personality blurb. Phew. Lot of work.