Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


The Lurker
Retired Staff
She knew better. And yet understanding, fear, and guilt pushed her to the Shrine. Fear that he would be angry with her... Guilt over what she had sought. At Toralin, she had searched for escape from the madness. The boiling hate and paranoia draining her entirely until Aracena felt drawn to any means of ending it. She had hoped Shalherana could release her soul and end the torment- But her Mad God knew, despite attempts to shroud intentions.

He knew.
And He came.
Calling to lure her out of Shalherana's temple.

If not for being forcibly trapped again, she would have run to him. Aracena could feel his anger with her. She knew he was displeased. But Shalherana stepped in. She did not not remove the Mark. "It is not a mark of shame you bear it is not a mark of shame you bear it is not a-"

Shalherana eased her burden- But did not remove it. Declared that the peoples give pardon for the burden- But did not remove it. The Goddess even said to wear the spider mark with pride- But did not remove it.
There is no escape. There can never be an escape. Not from Him. That understanding gave her reason enough to go to the Mad God's teaching. Her mingled fear and guilt gave motion enough to her feet. She knew better. And yet she went back to him. Went to listen to those who believe they know him.

In that lesson, she knew. Not only could she not escape.... But she knew that Jishrim would never let her go. Never- Even with Shalherana's aid in easing her mind, she could not hold in the unbidden chuckle. Could not resist the agitation he brought. And as he whispered the words into her ear, she felt a chord of panic deep inside because she knew it was true.


Shout outs to @Somnastra @Saelihn @Firegirl @bettemus99 @IceandFire @TurtlePrada @Soccernut13

Firegirl's teachings of the Mad God event was totally cool! Props to Firegirl for putting it all together and organizing it. Definitely many thanks for rescheduling it so more people could come. The God visit was spooky as crap, and I'm not sure if I was creeped out more by him or by the surroundings. Super cool stuff.

I couldn't held but doing a wee bit of an edge post. I mean- It's Aracena. Come on. It just sort of comes naturally at this point. :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff
If at any point, someone wants this character, just boop me. Aracena works with her husband Athryl to manage Thiil, Eriden, and political affairs. So if anything like that is needed, she'll be in Thiil and boopable. She mostly stays indoors, managing her lessened curse.

As per my profile post, Aracena's been moved to Alt with Niah bringing up to Main. Cena will still be played lots, but it's just that I'll be on Niah more ICly and doing things OOCly on the Cena account.~


The Lurker
Retired Staff
The unease in the air... The way the crops grow and rot as wind whistles and howls in the skies above... Aracena grows agitated. Fearful. Suspicious. Is this His doing? It is her only thought as she makes her way to the Shrines...



The Lurker
Retired Staff
Alright. Dusting this off.

+ Updated her titles and threw "Jishrim's Chosen" on there. No use being hush-hushy about it I suppose.
+ Updated her personality
+ Updated her current disposition
+ Updated her profession
+ Updated weaponry, or lack there of
+ Updated fears
+ Updated clothing
+ Updated her fluency in elven
+ Updated life events
+ Updated relations

On a note about relations- I'll only do in-depth relations for significant people but I'll start adding more folks to the regular taggy section of the relations. If if you're not on there and want to be, just poke me.

I'm going to try RPing her more. Instead of me sitting AFK in Eriden or in my pocket, I'll try to be around and available in Thiil. When I'm not on another character, of course.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Also made a few... adjustments. She's been up to no good recently and it's starting to reflect in certain places.~


The Lurker
Retired Staff
If anyone from Thiil ever wants RP, all you have to do is boop me. I've been doing a lot of OOC work on a new region, so I've not been in Thiil. But Cena always ICly is. So need dat RP? Just ask! :D


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Hey...someone who has been emotionally broken atleast 3 times and then just sees someone not even trying to fight something tends to get annoyed...:3


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
You know I am kinda jealous of the amount of art you havehave, lucky you~