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Lord of Altera
Al'Bathor would be under-going heavy rainfalls, the river nearby would be swollen, swallowing the dock. Many animals having already drowned, if not moved by humans. Houses in poor conditions would likly fall over, if not topple due to heavy rain and wind.



Silverwatch would be ungoing less rainfall than Al'Bathor, but still enough to cause worry. The river near-by has also swollen over, making traveling by boat impossible. Since Silverwatch is built into the mountain, many rocks and dirt are falling near contastly, posing a hazard to health. Mudslides are also raparent, as the loose dirt and soil are churded up. Cadwell however, is only flooded. Since Cadwell has two rivers boarding it, water would be everywhere, leading to flooding and possible loss of homes.




The Alchemist
Retired Staff
May we opt out of this event and the things that are happening with our regions?


Lord of Altera
*A family in one of the outlying Farmhouses around Azerport
Al'Bathor would be under-going heavy rainfalls, the river nearby would be swollen, swallowing the dock. Many animals having already drowned, if not moved by humans. Houses in poor conditions would likly fall over, if not topple due to heavy rain and wind.



Silverwatch would be ungoing less rainfall than Al'Bathor, but still enough to cause worry. The river near-by has also swollen over, making traveling by boat impossible. Since Silverwatch is built into the mountain, many rocks and dirt are falling near contastly, posing a hazard to health. Mudslides are also raparent, as the loose dirt and soil are churded up. Cadwell however, is only flooded. Since Cadwell has two rivers boarding it, water would be everywhere, leading to flooding and possible loss of homes.


RIP the underground part of Al'bathor
Someone tell me when the big hurricane that hit Scourge, hits Azerport and I will Put the description of what happens in here


Lord of Altera
*A family in one of the outlying Farmhouses around Azerport

RIP the underground part of Al'bathor
Someone tell me when the big hurricane that hit Scourge, hits Azerport and I will Put the description of what happens in here
It's a constant thing that's up to the players when it hits. I'd say soon since Azer is close to Scourge kinda.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
*The levies hold in Tambry, just barely.. For now...
The torrential flooding felt down south is being carried by the River Tam up north.
While there is no rain in Tambry, everyone watches the water rise from the riverfront docks and the pitch-black clouds in the south.

Along with the flooding has come disastrous winds from the south, whipping up a frenzy of waves and the rippling of flags. The river has become impassable to all but the foot traffic crossing the two sturdy stone drawbridges. The houses creak and some minor damage is seen in some of the older wooden homes and shops. Many fear that it is only a matter of time before one of the many houses collapses, probably in Cochran, the slums.
Shingles have flown and creaks have been heard in even the sturdiest buildings. Some swear they hear a cracking noise in the clock tower.

The sewers, ah, the sewers. The rising waters have had their effects shown here the most. The waters have drowned out many of the 'rats' who were below the water levels. For once in the history of Tambry the sewers are relatively peaceful and empty. Granted, if only the smell of sewage would stay down there instead of flooding out.
But the most ominous sign, by far, is the detachment and falling of the flag on the clock tower. All that is left is a cracked wooden pole.
An ill omen...

As for Bimhe, he sits back in the bar area of the Honey Badger cleaning everything he can get his stubby hands on in a nervous manner. He has weathered many bad 'storms' in his life, but something about this one causes him to look at the roof and wonder if he should've paid those carpenters some additional rads...*
Last edited:


The Status of the Lavoyard Empire:
Le Havre: Opted In, significant damage to the religious district due to rising sea levels.
Champagnac- Opted Out for Reconstruction
Golden Bay- Opted Out for Reconstruction
Queensport- Opted In, but don't think the damage can get any worse
Nordforet- Opted Out for Reconstruction
La March d'Or- Opted In, land is on high enough ground to not be affected by flooding. Some damage to the cathedral and palace.
Valle De Mai- @Woolsey (most likely opted in)
Bastion- Opted Out for Reconstruction


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
*a breeze pasts Havarda by as a cow flies in the distance as it's whipped up by the storm*

Cloud: ".... Bit nippy today.."
*Starts to snow as the winds nips at Myrneth*

William; "...Seems winter is here early yes.." -keeps working-


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
hey pssst, how about we turn on rain and keep it on? mmmm, yes. will be fun