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Fan-Fic BLarg has had an idea for awhile now


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
(note this thread is not meant to be strictly comedic, though there is a rather silly paragraph. also while there's no strictly bad words, there are the implications of stuff that innit pg)

"I Am Smoke"

I am as the title frames me. This is a story of my life, and not a truly historical account. My name is Nwalme Fuvur, I am one of the few descendants of my father Basil; whom has changed his middle and last name many times, and due to the circumstances of my conception did not allot me his chosen family name after my birth. This story is just that: A story. I have lived much of it, but some of the details have been spared, others exaggerated, and the last I wish to do is frustrate my audience. One of the details I cannot change and feel honest with myself, however, is my own character. There are many stories, countless stories, infinite in the realms of our imagination. These stories are populated by heroes, by crusaders, and by men who may not fascinate us but who may enchant us with their moral fortitude in times of hardship.
I am callous, I am bitter, I am world-weary, and I am old. I do not like the universe, and the rules of it that pain myself and those I love, it has made me cynical and I will admit to many instances of crying despite the taboo of doing so with my set of genitalia. You may not like me, but I will try and paint the others in this story in a fashion I hope is acceptable for the general audience. While still remaining honest, mostly.
As you may rightly and correctly guess, I am a bastard. It is true in both definitions, as I am a bastardly bastard who has bastardized many things in his time; my father, too, is a bastardly bastard. He has set loose from his loins many bastards, who may or may not be as bastardly as he and I, but I'm sure many have bastardized and been bastardly bastards in the time since their bastardly births in bastardly slums. At least, such is my presumption, as I have been born in bastardly slums.
I have sired no bastards of my own, and have no intentions to. Formally, I have born children out of wedlock, and thus legally they were not conceived on a wedding bed. However, I have been fathers to these formal bastards, and would not consider them such. I love my children, though in some respects I am as good as the father who made a pyre of himself when I was fourteen, and left me to my own devices henceforth. I have never, however, actively wished ill will upon or harmed my own sons and daughters; nor shall I in my lifetime.
It is in this book, memoir, comic, or... artistic depiction? I shall attempt to come to terms with my life as I have lived it. I have made many friends, and so few enemies. Who is it, truly, that could ever be an enemy? Is an enemy not someone who just teaches us a lesson in life that a friend could not?
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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff

It is in this book, memoir, comic, or... artistic depiction? I shall attempt to come to terms with my life as I have lived it. I have made many friends, and so few enemies. Who is it, truly, that could ever be an enemy? Is an enemy not someone who just teaches us a lesson in life that a friend could not?
First of all, that is irony. The rest of the book isn't here, but it gets extremely bitter in some instances, but Nwalme will still ironically refer to people he evidently loathes with terms of endearment.

The actual idea that is mentioned in the title is that BLarg wants to chronicle Nwalme's life as some form of media, some day. VERY SLOWLY, so if anyone was hoping for it, don't think this thread will be actively updated with progress on that. It took me months just to write a few paragraphs. This is what is jotted down in notes as "Introduction," and because I think Nwalme is relatively popular dude I'd post it because I felt rather happy with the results it got from friends.

It's written from the perspective of a Nwalme that is significantly older than he is now, who has fulfilled some of his life's goals, and has finally become introspective enough to want to come to terms with his past.

... i wish there were a title for "non-canon" :p
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