Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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BLarg does thing


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
BLarg likes making characters, BLarg had the idea of offering to make characters for people.

Accordingly, thread. If you want me to have a shot at making a character for you, or if you just want to throw a silly concept at me and seeing how it goes, you can either post here or make a forum conversation with me. Or prod me on Skype. Or harass me IG. Whatever's your fancy.~

How requests go:

"BLarg I want a char."
"Couldya tell me what specifically your ideas are?"
"Yes, X, Y, Z."
"How d'you want it presented? Notes, a character sheet, anything works."
"[One of the choices!]"
*BLarg makes char*
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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
So, how do we apply? Im eager to give it a try
Im sorry I ryhmned, I didn't even try
... oops. I'll edit the OP now that I'm not tired/distracted, really should of waited on posting this thing.

Tell me what you'd like, I'll see what I can do. c: