Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Fantasy Artwork



Hello everyone! I'm Raykaystar! I would like to let you know I'm starting an art business here on the forums. If you would like a picture of you very own character, post an application on this thread telling me a few things you want in your character's picture. Include these parameters in your application:
Character name:
Emotion in the picture:
Your characters skin:
Character's race:
(Optional) Notes or comments:

I also would like to know if you want them drawn by hand or in the Paint app. Each picture is worth 1k (radiants) per picture. if you disagree with the price, I may be able to take it down a bit. I have posted an example of my work here! Hope you enjoy!

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IGN: Caprex213
Character name: Earl Peter Hallon
Emotion in the picture: Brooding
Your characters skin:

Character's race: Human
(Optional) Notes or comments: ms paint, please.

I'll be paying for him, my in-game name is Rygan_ :)


IGN: Caprex213
Character name: Earl Peter Hallon
Emotion in the picture: Brooding
Your characters skin:

Character's race: Human
(Optional) Notes or comments: ms paint, please.

I'll be paying for him, my in-game name is Rygan_ :)
Finished! Hope you like it! I tried my best to copy the skin you sent me exactly.

NOTE: If you are unhappy with the art, you have one free revision of the picture and any others will cost another 50 radiants.


Well i really hope you all enjoy my artwork. Its a lot of fun making them! :heart:


The Lurker
Retired Staff
IGN: Niah_Dacar
Character name: Niah Kane
Emotion in the picture: Smug
Your characters skin: I don't have access to her skin on this computer to post it, but here's a link to her profile with descriptions and other art you can use as inspiration. --->
Character's race: Human
(Optional) Notes or comments: I like supporting artists, so I'm excited to see what you can make. :)


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
IGN: Ximmerael
Character name: Azure Cerridwen
Emotion in the picture: Contemplative
Your characters skin: I have several skins hidden around but I'm bad at finding that handy way to post stuffs here's my profile. Like Niah there's other art and descriptions for you.
Character's race: Silver Elf
(Optional) Notes or comments: Whatever strikes your fancy on this do it. Have fun and thank you. :)
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IGN: Niah_Dacar
Character name: Niah Kane
Emotion in the picture: Smug
Your characters skin: I don't have access to her skin on this computer to post it, but here's a link to her profile with descriptions and other art you can use as inspiration. --->
Character's race: Human
(Optional) Notes or comments: I like supporting artists, so I'm excited to see what you can make. :)
Finished! This one was a ton of fun to make! I think your character is really pretty! :heart:
Your total: 1k radiants
Note: you get one free revisions if you are unhappy with the art.
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The Brainz
Retired Staff
IGN: CampionAT16
Character name: Edmund Campion
Emotion in the picture: Determined
Your characters skin: download.png [Character Profile]
Character's race: Forest Elf
(Optional) Notes or comments: Your art is adorable- Thanks for drawing my character! :p