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Active Alison Ivanov


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Very Sweet



Name: Alison Ivanov

Age: Appearing mid-twenties. [65]
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Married.
Height: Without heels, 5'3".
Weight: Around 115-118lbs.

Homeland: Myrneth of the Northern Kingdoms.
Current Home: The North.
Date of Birth: -
Date of Death:

↠ || 3/3/2018 - Severe blood poisoning.
↠ || 10/11/2018 - Visage.


Build: Alison is thin, and short in stature, yet remains evenly proportioned. Best defined as petite, and of noble birth, she has little excess fat and a lack of muscle.
Hair: Her hair is a dark brown that can be mistaken for being almost black, kept long enough to just pass the middle of her back. It curls in waves.
Eyes: A deep green in colour, framed with dark lashes and dark brows.
Skin: Her skin is pale as a result of her northern heritage and lifestyle. A sign of Kane nobility.

Faded red marks akin to arcs of lightning run up her right arm and partially down her ribs. [ x ]

Appearance: Alison has recently found herself back in her youth, which she flaunts. She wears things of great finery and high quality and walks with a sense of great freedom and no obligation. Various pins, jewellery, and charms can be found on her person.
Hygiene: Her hygiene is impeccable, and obsessive. She bathes regularly, keeps her teeth and nails clean, and smells of perfumes.
Posture: Alison holds excellent posture. Always with a straight back, and her head held high. It comes naturally.
Habits and Mannerisms: She stares a lot and does not get uncomfortable for that to be noticed. Stoical.
Dominant Hand: She can use both hands well after an injury left her reliant on learning to do so. Her right arm has some issue with grip strength.

↠ || A small stab wound scar two inches to the right of her bellybutton. Assassination attempt.
↠ || A scar 1-2 inches in width on her back, right side. Thrown dagger, hit just in below the ribs. Assassination attempt.
↠ || A scar perhaps 2-3 inches across on her lower back, left side. From a fall jousting.
↠ || Red scarring appearing like an arc of lightning covers her right arm, though becomes more sparse before it reaches the shoulder. (See ref above. )
↠ || Faint continuation of the above scarring down her right side, over her ribs.
↠ || A scar on her left inner wrist. A cultist carved two arrow shapes there.
↠ || A deep scar on her back, to the left of her spine and several inches in length. A stab wound extended to access further inside. Assassination attempt.
↠ || A stab scar from a dagger 1-2 inches down from her right collarbone.

Broken Bones:

|| Left forearm break, from a fall jousting. Healed.

Illnesses: None presently.
Allergies: Bee stings, and cinnamon makes her feel ill.
Diet: She is prone to skipping meals simply out of disinterest. She eats when she has to, but secretly quite enjoys new things.


Intelligence: Alison has held knowledge as one of her greatest strengths since she was but a child. She is well learned, well educated, made to study for all of her childhood and then took to doing so later in life. And yet there is always more to learn.
Writing: Exceptionally neat, she writes rather slowly for the sake of keeping it intelligible. Looping joined letters, Alison has a knack for calligraphy as well.
Known Languages:

↠ || Common (Fluent in all ways.)
|| Lavoyarde (Fluent in all ways.)
|| Elven (Fluent in all ways.)
|| Rede (Fluent in all ways.)

Lures: Aleksei - Betterment - The Unique
Memory: She has good memory, but seems to have generally forgotten things that do not come up often enough to care about.
Phobias: She has no phobias.
Addictions: -
Strengths: Cunning - Knowledgeable - Strong Willed
Weaknesses: Vanity - Greed - Family
Fears: Lightning - Illness - ?


Temper: There is a lack of many strong emotional responses. Her anger can be quite vivid, yet lasts only moments in the rare time it appears, and she is not beyond murderous thoughts.
Sense of Humour: Dark.
Pet Peeves: A great variety of people with their mannerisms.
Dreams/Nightmares: She has taken control of her nightmares, but they remain unpleasant. She drifts to the planar time to time in her sleep and the dead haunt her there.
Sleeping Pattern: If she is not woken in the night from her nightmares she can sleep rather heavily until late morning. Prone to staying up late and waking late. A deep sleeper, it seems.
Quirks: Arranging a desk or table she sits at even if it's considered neat already. Finding higher perches to look down on people. Drifting to the planar for the sake of it.

Hobbies: Plant Pressing. Reading. Drawing. Embroidery. Botany. Painting. Magic.


↠ || Cooking - 5/10
A basic knowledge, taught by her mother. Can make tea well. Well versed in making soups. Can cook basic meals, but it's left to others.

↠ || Educated - 9/10
Raised with a strict routine of completing studies - Had been tutored by her Father all of her childhood into her teenage years. She knows plenty about a variety of topics, but is not well versed in more practical and hands on areas, though that is certainly improving in adult years. She's very talented in linguistics.

↠ || Sewing - 6/10
Also taught by her Mother, she knows how to fix up hems and small tears in her fine clothing. Basic knowledge. She practices in her spare time, aspires to make fine gowns one day. Embroidery is a hobby.

↠ || Artistic - 7/10
While she's not incredibly talented, she is not new to drawing. She's rather capable in the art. She enjoys drawing from observation, it's usually flowers. She aims for accuracy, not imagination. She works in charcoal, but has began dabbling in oil painting as well as watercolour recently. Has began to work on studies of armour, and now faces. Skulls, too.

↠ || Herbalism/Botany/Horticulture - 9/10
Alison is extremely skilled in her knowledge of plants, their uses, and how to care for and nurture them. Can identify a great range of flora. Can put them to a variety of uses, though they're mostly not for healing.
Occasionally she experiments to define properties, mostly upon animals though unlucky people on occasion - All her notes and journals are kept secure.

↠ || Medical Knowledge - 6/10
Has notes and information on the medical properties of several ingredients used in healing aids. Also knowledge on potion use, different body structures of races, and injury types. She became capable of general care, re-applying bandages and cleaning wounds, recognising high temperature and fevers, in the chaos of the undead and the attacks on people. She's got a steady hand to stitch and knows how to shove joints back in sockets. But she is no doctor.

↠ || Combat - 3/10
See the below section. Can use a crossbow, but it likely would be no good in real combat.

↠ || Horse Riding - 8/10
Learnt with Brennard primarily, she is now a capable rider and she enjoys to ride alone now that she can do so.

↠ || Organising - 7/10
She's hosted a myriad of social events, and planned and organised each one primarily on her own. She is skilled, knowledgeable, and knows how to put people to work. Her work and general living spaces are also neat, and organised.

↠ || Magic - 7/10

She knows of multiple branches of magic, multiple magic users, and is adept herself in Animancy. She is becoming knowledgeable and skilled in the arcane arts though there is certainly more to learn.

Peaceful or Violent: Violent. She enjoys violence.
Ability: Knows the basics of weak spots of a body, and is fairly good in the use of several daggers. Acceptable with crossbows.
Strengths: Anatomy knowledge, weaker spots, knowledge on armour and it's openings. Also trying to be sneaky and unexpected.
Weaknesses: Lots and lots. She's smaller, not muscular, easily overpowered, and has no experience with other weapon types.


|| Using daggers with her Father. Drawing a blade quickly from the hip.
↠ || Self taught with loose anatomy.
↠ || Anatomy and dagger use by sparring with Aleksei. Armour weaknesses.
↠ ||
Firing a crossbow mostly for hunting purposes. She has a keen eye and has acceptable aim.

Exercise: She retains a relatively active lifestyle, but her exercise is generally just a lot of walking. She trains occasionally, but there's no exercise regimes.


↠ || A hand and a half blade, with two parrying spikes near the hilt. Made by Jaret Ironbrow. Once her mothers.
↠ || A fancy rapier with gold filigree, passed from Aewin to Niah to now Alison. { x }
↠ || An ironwood quarterstaff made by Nwalme, given to Niah and Alistair for their wedding. It's now Alison's. Along its length there are carved words, "The World Below".
↠ || A stiletto dagger that's often carried. { x }
↠ || A small crossbow made by Thordil. Was one of two, but one got destroyed with magical lightning.

Alison tends to come off as cold, stoical, for the most part. She finds pleasure in being cruel when she can afford to be, and yet she's very good at playing along to be amicable and pleasant if the company at the time is more suited to it. She has a great lack of care for those around her, and those she deems useless and unimportant are hardly noticed. Determined to accomplish her goals, she puts herself above a great deal of others as a result. Self absorbed, narcissistic, and unkind. She has a fondness and warmth for her children and grandchild however, and her cold demeanor regularly gives way in the presence of family.

Religious Values: For a long time she lied about a devotion to Ignis that was only necessary for those of Anhald. Without her kingdom, she has dismissed the need, and worships no God. She holds ire for a majority, instead.
Alignment: Neutral Evil. Bordering on Chaotic Evil.

{ Short Term Goals }
Travel South + Attend a social event + Meet more family + Explore Tambry + Experiment + Amass her own wealth + Find Purpose ? + Further Experiments
+ Gain loyalty + Learn Horse Riding + Get a Hound + The Black Palace + Host a Ball + Create the Crypts + Recover + Queens Guard + Take back her lands + Coronation + Complete the Walls +
Experiment + Partake in a Hunt + Reach Shoreless + Find something in the Planar + Reach 'Adept' + Seance Gelyk(?) + Seance Basil +

{ Long Term Goals }
Impress the Parents + Climb the social ladder + Complete a family tree + Learn Lavoyarde + Learn Elven + Become Better + Outlive Them(3/3) + A fourth language
+ Take Queensport + Become Queen + New Queensport + See Aleksandar become Kaiser + Bring the Inquisition to Queensport + Vassals + Expand the borders of Kalstaat + Power in her own right + Magic + Think on what to do with the Varyn family + The Bloodline + Decide on Anhald
Make a Mark + Become Stronger + Renown + Fifth language + Another Magic Branch + Magical Power + Mother + Reach Shoreless + Grief? + The Castle + The Crown + Victory(?) + Ascend + Bargain

Wardrobe: Prone to fine gowns made of quality materials. She takes great care of the multiple gowns she owns. Several riding cloaks, furs and silks alike, with corsets and some more casual dresses for casual wear. Boots and heeled shoes. (More can be found in the post below)
Prized Possessions: A necklace with a glowing gem, from Brennard. { x } A crown, designed by herself and crafted by Light Fuvur. The crown of Kaltstaat. { x } Her wedding ring.
Other: Several bags. Vials of perfume. Plant clippings. Small, ornate containers. Cloth. Lavender Oil. Secure pouch of Fungi. A pressed rose. Journals. Charcoal. Mother's Journals.

Funds: She has her ways.
Income: She has her ways.
Lands:The lands of Blackfall.
Homes: Blackfall. Also welcome in Stoneheart tavern.
Pets: Two 'Cane Corso' black mastiffs. { x } Passed on from age.

Transportation: Carriages, or walking. The occasional ship when she needs. Sea travel makes her sickly, though she can ride a horse well.

Hooded Cloak { x }
Black and Gold Gryphon feather Cloak { x }

A gift from Jeor.
Given to Charles.
Fitted Jacket { x }

Can be worn with trousers of skirts. Usually black.
Gown for the North { x }
Red Dress { x }
Riding Jacket { x }

Worn with black trousers and knee high boots. And gloves.
Mother's Gift { x }
She does not wear it but treats it as a precious possession.
Sleeveless Dress { x }
Used more when she's doing botany.
Golden Ballgown { x }
Black Evening Dress { x }

Hardly ever worn for it reveals a lot. But she admires the making.
Red and Gold Silk Dress { x }
Red Ballgown for the Fall Noble's Ball { x }

A red scarf, from Eisenheim.
A black gown made from expensive fabric. { x }
A green ballgown, with sections of gold trim. Silks and luxurious fabrics. Covers the arms. { x }
A gold and green dress from Illden.
Silver Headband { x }
Gold Fleur de Lis Necklace { x }

Gifted from Marquis Francis de Courtnay.
Obsidian Necklace { x }
Merged with the Kaltstaat Crown.
Engagement Ring { x }
From James. It's hidden and not worn.
A Crown { x }
Wedding Ring from Edmund { x }

No longer worn after his death, kept safe.
Given to Aleksandar.
A Silver and Jet Ring { x }
An Onyx and Silver Necklace { x }
Silver Necklace with Dark Blue Gems { x }
Black and Gold Necklace { x }
Given to Elizabeth.
A crown from Njorun { x }
A hairpin from Njorun { x }
Gold and Ruby Necklace from Berndt { x }
A crown, designed by Alison, created by Light Fuvur { x }
A Leaf Pendant from Mother.(Tzemik related)
A silver necklace with black gems. From Jason and his wifu. { x }
A moonstone pendant. From Maleel. { x }
Mother's Journals
Victor's Notes
Journal for flower pressing.
A pressed red rose, from Edmund at the Reignfall joust.
Ornate silver container with opium.
Pouch of a particular kind of dried fungi.
Perfumes of various scents.
Two 'Cane Corso' Mastiffs.
Map of the New Lands of Hawklight { x }
A flower crown, pressed to preserve. From flowers of the new world.
A wooden knight, and boar fur blanket, for Aleksandar from Berndt.
A pressed white and red rose from Ansgar. (Mixed white and red on the same flower)
A book from Khorug, gifted at the ball.
A box of various jewels from various people. Particularly Ansgar.
A tankard from Eisenheim with engravings of 'The Thirsty Cur'.
A crown, from Ansgar, upon news of her coronation. Not worn. { x } Returned.
An orb, and sceptre, from Ansgar, with news of her coronation. { x }
A diamond necklace, from Vesryn.
A silver fox pendant with golden eyes, from Cymic.
A gem encrusted rose, from Ansgar.
A book from Alanis.
An Elixir from an unknown, via Marek.



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Events Staff
Very Sweet

MMMM! Charybdis

{ R E L A T I O N S }
Family Heritage
- Son: Aleksandar Josef Kane Rygan
- Son: Charles Kane Lannis
- Daughter: Elizabeth Kane Niah
- Granddaughter: Katherine Kane Elz

- Father: Alistair Kane @The Living Ghost
- Mother: Niah Kane @Niek Morenta
- Brother: Victor Kane Paint

✥The Cherished✥

Aleksei Ivanov blargtheawesome

She hopes with this new life they may have a chance to do some things right where they went wrong before. There are touches of guilt at the life he has led because of her, but there is no use dwelling on it so much.

Elizabeth Kane NIAH
Her only daughter, she cares for her a great deal. She is the only one to have managed and survived enough to continue the line and support Kane, and she reminds herself of this weight on Elizabeth's shoulders when she gets a little exasperated or irked with her moods.

✥The Valued✥

Niah Kane NIAH

She has a complicated relationship with her mother. She is both like her and not, and with age she learnt that it was a regrettable thing to have done what she did. Her father would've been more suited for that.

Brennard Westmay Mitch
She has not seen him but has heard of his return also. She finds she dare not seek him out, for one reason or another, and of all those she knows she finds a trickling of fear in regards to that reunion. She also feels guilt at his own murderers likely never having gotten what they deserved.

The Dependable


The Amiable

Charles Kane Lannis

He is her son, and she will care for him to some degree. But she knows there is no love nor want from him, and she won't push for such things.

Aleksandar Kane Solus
The biggest issue she has with him is his theft. She will find him and take back what he has taken in time, and it is then she will decide if she holds love for the boy or not.

Jane Eisen Sizzix
Aleksei is fond of the girl, and she is close to Katherine. Alison finds her unique and does not mind her presence.

The Impartial

Edmund Hallon Rygan

She was hit with guilt, regret, and grief for most of their reunion, but it was fleeting. She settles into feeling distant with him and does not let her mind dwell too heavily on his return.

The Disfavoured

Jaden Seeker CloakedReaper

She thinks him unfit and unworthy of her daughter, and his constant disapproval with not only herself makes the grudge she holds worsen.

The Abhorred


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Wait she's fourteen

when the hell did that happen oh god aewin is old


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Events Staff
Very Sweet
i get to make her 22 next week

i dont give a [Come on Elz, really~]
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