Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Join the Godfrey Family!


Lord of Altera
So Dasyra and Alustrum have recently been trying for kids, and at last they've been succesful! cough As determined by a roll cough. Though I 'm changing the post because I thought about it, and twins...might not fit my only one child, still a girl though.
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I'd have to talk to Lavile, but I was thinking of having her be rpable at around age 5 or so
Ok! Could I be the daughter? I could change my newest alt, Sarah MoorBloom to be their daughter if u don't have someone else.


Ok! Could I be the daughter? I could change my newest alt, Sarah MoorBloom to be their daughter if u don't have someone else.
Never been Sarah before! I could edit her name and play as a Godfrey.


Lord of Altera
Would like to keep options open just in case, so bumping the thread and continuing to accept applications and what not