Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Calling ye rich and pompous nobles!



Hello! I have a new alt who needs a job. She would love to work as a handmaiden for a noble lady of high stature so of you need a personal servant let me know!


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
I have a few suggestions, but if it /has/ to be a lady rather than a lord, here are my suggestions.

Lady Celicia @BrianAT16 of Tambry (probably a good choice but Brian needs to be more active with her then)
Lady Blackrose @AdmiralAegir (good for high level nobility)
Jarl Freya @Faelin (sorry not sorry)
Lady Jaqueline @Lannis (haha jk lannis, jaq would murder the poor girl)

I'm drawing a blank... Well, i may add to this later.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
As Arch said I do have a noble woman who is located in Tambry. She isn't the most active character but that is mainly because I'm currently busy IRL and I have actually still been laying down the groundwork for the character OOCly. She has a nearly completed manor in Tambry ( Thanks to @Sankera c: ) which is soon gonna need a bit of staff. Though she is the strict noble type, meaning she has little tolerance for nonsense. But if you are still interested feel free to send me a PM, will give me a reason to get on as her a bit more regularly.


As Arch said I do have a noble woman who is located in Tambry. She isn't the most active character but that is mainly because I'm currently busy IRL and I have actually still been laying down the groundwork for the character OOCly. She has a nearly completed manor in Tambry ( Thanks to @Sankera c: ) which is soon gonna need a bit of staff. Though she is the strict noble type, meaning she has little tolerance for nonsense. But if you are still interested feel free to send me a PM, will give me a reason to get on as her a bit more regularly.
That sounds great! If you have any questions pm me!


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I wanted to reply, then I saw the noble lady part and I realized San isnt a woman