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Inactive Davax - The 'Last' Greyling


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'll make a note before I start - This character was created a long time ago; and I've got approval from Cherry for him to exist still. He is a Legacy character, one of several children created by Fadast (jakp25). I've opted to finally make his profile while I have PC struggles. And will find a spot to shove him in when I can. c:

Full Name: Davax('Dark' in Greyling tongue)
Nickname(s): -
Sex: It doesn't really have one. Prone to swaying to the masculine side.
Race: Greyling.
Age: Unknown, and he doesn't keep track.
Orientation/Sexual preference: It doesn't know what this is, nor thinks it applies.
Height: Around three foot five. (3'5")
Weight: Seems to remain within the 50lb range.
Homeland: Recalls growing up in Dawnshard.
Current Home: None. Travels and lurks in isolated places.
Occupation: Survivor. Graverobber.
Finances: Whatever graves can provide.

Eyes: Almost reptilian in appearance, like one of it's parentals. A lighter blue.
Hair Colour: It has none as per shaving it off, but if it were allowed to grow, it'd be pitch black.
Hair Style: Bald!
Identifying Marks: The fact is is a Greyling, for starters. It also has a wide mouth filled with needle-like teeth, and large ears, ragged and torn in places from fights and squabbles.
Skin: More grey toned than it's parentals, yet still retains a somewhat mottled scaly appearance in places.
Body Build: Thin, wiry, and appears generally quite bony.
Hygiene: It does not care for hygiene unless it becomes a personal nuisance.
Voice: Fairly high pitched, yet holds a type of hissing and clicking to it occasionally.

Strengths: Quite agile due to it's small size, and blessed with a skill at climbing using its claws. It has knowledge on languages, races, and its understanding on herbalism/botany is extensive. He applies this to the ability to making poisons, though this ability is not at all refined. It also retains vague surgical knowledge, but it's practice has been on dead things and usually not humanoid. Dissection on small animals, and corpses from graves.
Fears: It's impending extinction. Horses.
Weaknesses: It's size, and lack of strength. It is unloveable, unlikeable, and easily beaten if you get your hands on it.
Intelligence: High, well taught by its parentals before it left to begin it's own life.
Languages: Greyling(Fluent), Common(Fluent), Elven(Basic).

Personality: Quiet, reserved. It has not lived amongst civilisation for some time aside from its Greyling brethren. It's finding its place.
Religion or Cults: Currently none.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Short Term Goals: Funds, security, knowledge.
Long Term Goals: Last as long as it can. Master the art of making poisons, like Fadast did.

Place: Underground.
Pastime: Learning.
Food: Meat.
Drink: Water.
Colour: Anything dark.
Animal: Spiders.

Least Favourite...
Place: High places.
Pastime: Being outsmarted.
Food: Vegetables, fruits. Non-meats.
Drink: Alcohol.
Colour: Orange.
Animal: Horses.

- A large (For his size) rucksack.
- A crude dagger, robbed from a grave.
- A small handheld shovel for graverobbing.
- Old worn surgical tools that are absolutely not healthy or sterile.
- Threads of various colours and several bent needles.
- A book, with pressed herbs and multitudes of notes.
Last edited:


Puppycat Herder
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(Am I going insane or is this an elven greyling? :D)


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
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Retired Owner
This makes me want to bring back my old greyling. Need someone to rob graves with?
Y'might need to speak with Faelin about that. With greylings extinct and considered legacy, a list was compiled. You may have missed the announcement of it, but if the character has an existing profile, I expect it should be easy to remedy.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
His siblings bullied him and ate dirt. I think he's a bit of a solitary thing, now. :p
And awyis-

needle-like teeth
dissection on small animals and corpses from graves
surgical tools
several bent needles

brb screaming
