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[Closed] Buycraft Logo Contest


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Hello lovely HollowWorlders!

As the dragon contest ends, another rises to take its place. We're reaching out to the graphic designers in the community this time to offer a chance to redesign the five logos of our { Buycraft Donation page }. We had so many amazing entries for the Holiday Logo contest and we wanted to extend another opportunity for a similar design-a-palooza. The winner will see their designs on the donation page, as well as a 10,000r reward that they can humbly roll in. Runners-up will also receive a small prize. All entrants will be entitled to a 1,000r reward for giving it a go, win or lose.

Now. For the details.~

What logos are you talking about?
I am talking about the five logos on the Buycraft page linked above. Currently, they are discordant and we're asking designers to come up with five matching logos. Matchy matchy yes.

What are the logo requirements?

We love seeing everyone's creativity. It wouldn't be very fun to give you guys a stringent list of do's and dont's, which is why I'm throwing together a list of suggestions, a pile of information to pull from, and various thoughts you can use. This hopefully gives you some inspiration on how to design the logos.

Villager [5$ Contributor Rank]
Villagers have green titles in game and can use up to 60 titles now.

Patron [15$ Contributor Rank]
Have a light blue title in game and can use a total of 172 titles.

Hero [30$ Contributor Rank]
Heroes have blue in game titles and have access to 232 titles in game.

Legend [60$ Contributor Rank]
Legends have purple in game titles and access to 279 titles total.

Keep Hollowworld Alive [5$ or more Contribution]
With this contributor option you can select how much to give to the server, as long as it is above $5 you can get a credit that can get you one of the following: Custom Title, Custom Entry Message, OR Custom Exit message.

However, to qualify for the grand prize, all five logos need to at least fit these base qualifications:
  • The logos must go together. (A theme, or aesthetically matching in some way)
  • The logos must be 190x165 in size.
  • The logos must be .png files.
  • The logos must be indicative of the rank/perk associated with it in some way.

What are the rewards?
We wouldn't do a contest without offering radiant rewards, now would we?~ Of course not! The following is a breakdown of the possible rewards:

  • 1st Place: 10,000r and logos used on the Buycraft page
  • 2nd Place: 5,000r
  • 3rd Place: 2,500r
  • All Entries: Everyone who enters will receive 1,000r
    • (Serious entries. Keep your memes are home, you memers.)

How do I enter?

Entry is simple! All you have to do is send a forum convo to Niek Morenta and Somnastra with ALL FIVE logos attached, as well as the IGN name you would like the radiants to go to.

The deadline to enter is 12:00pm EST on March 17. After that, I'll compile all the entries and throw them into the staff chat for everyone to vote. The winners will hopefully be announced within the week after the deadline closes.

Now then. Happy designing!
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Better than sliced bread
I'm down for this. I may do faces representing each title, or something.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Am I allowed to use an analogue medium like I always do, or is it required to be drawn with a tablet?


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
:( Again a competition I can't join.
Good luck and fun to the people who are joining :) And I'll wait for an opportunity to shine some other day :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff
:( Again a competition I can't join.
Good luck and fun to the people who are joining :) And I'll wait for an opportunity to shine some other day :p
Have no fear. I'm a lover of competitions and have many planned for the course of the year. ;)


Lord of Altera
How do I send a forum convo? Would it count if I made a thread in the Art section and tagged you in it?


How do I send a forum convo? Would it count if I made a thread in the Art section and tagged you in it?
Use the inbox! Just push it and press new conversation. Then type who it's to, what it's title is, and what the message said! :)


The Lurker
Retired Staff
How do I send a forum convo? Would it count if I made a thread in the Art section and tagged you in it?
Rakaystar beat me to it! Like she said, just make a convo with the inbox button. Make sure you put Somnastra and myself as recipients. If you want to make a thread to show off your logos beforehand, sure. But we'd still need the convo for the entry. :)


Lord of Altera
Rakaystar beat me to it! Like she said, just make a convo with the inbox button. Make sure you put Somnastra and myself as recipients. If you want to make a thread to show off your logos beforehand, sure. But we'd still need the convo for the entry. :)
Thank you !~


I would love to join in but unfortunately I don't have anything g to make it with. Good luck everyone else!


The Lurker
Retired Staff
A little under two weeks! 10,000r on the line and a guaranteed 1,000r prize just for entering!


I have decided to try to find a program! Any recommendations? :)