Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Ivy 'Lightfur'


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Full Name: Ivy
Pronunciation: Eye-vee
Nickname/Alias: 'Lightfur'
Meaning: Due to her light fur
Origin: Nature-based name

Gender: Female
Gender Role: Feminine
Orientation: 360
Real Age: 32
Age Appearance: About 20

Species: Lighthoof Caparius
Preferred Hand: Right
Eye Color: Greenish
Hair Color White
Hairstyle: "Let it goooooo, let it goooo"
Skin Tone: Rather pale
Build: Slender, long, goat legs
Height: 5'8
Weight: ~135
Distinguishing Features: White fur and goat legs.

Health: As healthy as a horse goat.
Memory: Quite well
Senses: Keen eyes and ears
Handicaps: Mute
Phobias: Fire
Mental Disorders: Bipolar

Style: Nature
Mode of Dress: Doesn't like wearing clothes but it would be awkward around humans if not wearing any.
Grooming: Very well-kept
Posture: Trying to stay in the background, observing
Coordination: Years of playing lute and tracking have improved reflexes
Habits and Mannerisms: Bad timing
Scent: Peach

Mood: Cheery
Attitude: Cheerful and happy
Expressiveness: Can't really talk about feelings

Current residence:
Wardrobe: Just tops
Equipment: Lute and a walking stick
Trinkets: Lucky talisman
Prized Possession: The talisman

Occupation: Bard (not to be confused with Brad)
Work Ethnic: Loves her work
Income: Mostly trades things
Wealth Status: Lower class

Religion: Shalherana
Morals: "Do not hurt nature."
Crime Record: Got taken in once for spontaneously singing a song about someone she shouldn't have sang about
Motivation: Love and nature
Superstitions: Believes cutting down a tree brings bad luck

Hobbies/Interests: Playing the lute, dancing, tracking
-Tracking; decent
-Playing the lute; good
-Singing; so bad you can't even hear it

Likes: Being in public places
Dislikes: People or nature being hurt
Sense of Humor: Ironic
Savvy: (What is your character particularly well-informed of? [Ex: Politically, nature)
Can't understand: Why someone would butcher someone else over something trivial
Closet Hobby: Being sneaky beaky
Guilty Pleasure: Wine

-Can't say stupid things anymore
-Good with a lute
-Sneaky beaky

-Can be hot-headed due to being bipolar

Perception: Perceptive, especially when concerning nature
Instincts: Moving real quiet/keeping silent when someone doesn't see them, can cause people to get a heart attack
Lures: Music
Soft Spot: Children
Cruel Streak: Racists

Favorite Colors: White because it is pure and green because it resembles nature
Favorite Animals: Most animals
Favorite Flavors: Strawberry
Favorite Foods: Strawberry
Favorite Drinks: Wine
Favorite Music: All of it

Languages: Can read Common and dah Caparius
Accent: Hah.
Voice: Really really really faint.
Speech Impediments: Does being mute count?
Greetings and Farewells: Waving and waving.
Compliment: Thumbs up
Insult: Stomping someone on their feet
Laughter: Silent
Signature Quote: "..."

Alignment: Neutral goed
Song: (A song you think best suits your character)
Vice: Pride, lust and wrath
Virtue: Patience, kindness, humility and charity
Last edited:


YUUUUUUSSSS!!! Thank you so much im happy!!! Oh this is Sycamores twin!!!

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
*flails all over this thread* I'll try not to adopt this one :heart: lol