Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [9 July] Riptide: Setting Sail [DANGER: 6/10]


Better than sliced bread
Thank you San! This post should solve every argument about anything on the server!
Not exactly, most things should be realistic, but some things /can't/ be done, due to lack of means, so the rules are changed so that it's more enjoyable, and fun to play.


Retired Staff
I'll weigh in: I'm fine with more than one ship, and I'm fine with IC conflict once folk are on the island if that's where they want to go. If people want to stir up OOC drama I have no problem with booting them from the event.


Dark Council Elite
I'd just prefer one ship for the sake of broadening RP horizons and having more to do on the ship in general. I'm sure I could get somebody to temp a captain to avoid OOC dispute over dominance. It makes it easier for the DM and gives the standard participant more to do and a neutrality factor, because if everybody is on the same ship, everyone is on the same side in the end. You can't fire cannons at your own ship.


Not exactly, most things should be realistic, but some things /can't/ be done, due to lack of means, so the rules are changed so that it's more enjoyable, and fun to play.
I know but some people argue about stuff that cant be fixed, just sayin!


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I'm not going either way so my opinion may be moot but while I'm generally all in favor of the one ship for RP simplicity do keep in mind that Raphael and Cymic have organized there dual ship approach from the get go of this event. Be a shame that if after they did all that work they are shoehorned into a single ship approach that leaves them in a point where they either break character or have their characters die.


Lord of Altera
I'm not going either way so my opinion may be moot but while I'm generally all in favor of the one ship for RP simplicity do keep in mind that Raphael and Cymic have organized there dual ship approach from the get go of this event. Be a shame that if after they did all that work they are shoehorned into a single ship approach that leaves them in a point where they either break character or have their characters die.

Okay- I need to put this out there right now.

What Glados has said is rightful in its own way, I am all for simplizing the event for the DM's (bless) and I do think, yes, one ship is lovely-

but then you'll risk tensions.

i'm truly not wrong here, for once


Better than sliced bread
I'm not going either way so my opinion may be moot but while I'm generally all in favor of the one ship for RP simplicity do keep in mind that Raphael and Cymic have organized there dual ship approach from the get go of this event. Be a shame that if after they did all that work they are shoehorned into a single ship approach that leaves them in a point where they either break character or have their characters die.


Lord of Altera
Okay- I need to put this out there right now.

What Glados has said is rightful in its own way, I am all for simplizing the event for the DM's (bless) and I do think, yes, one ship is lovely-

but then you'll risk tensions.

i'm truly not wrong here, for once
nobody's right or wrong here, it's a difference of opinions and ways to go about things, please don't use "right" or "wrong" in discussions like these as it can cause more heat. That being said, I'd also be fine with multiple ships or single ship. I already had Tyr sign on underneath Astilo, and so long as he's not serving under Cymic (IC drama, not OOC) he's chill with whatever... unless the captain starts being immoral or an idiot, then, no matter who it is, he's gonna have a problem XD


Dark Council Elite
Again, taking command away from any specific faction would lower risk of tensions considering said IC drama. I personally believe that refusing to nudge your characters to cooperate with each other based on the circumstance takes away from the potential this event has. Nonetheless, Jason and Edward being onboard would offer neutral enforcement and protection from mutiny or violent infighting.


Retired Staff
Consider the following:
There are at least 3 ships headed to Riptide. By DM fiat they're arriving at the same time and most likely going to travel near each other since the naval sequence is only one event.


Retired Staff
I should let people know that regardless of how many show up, there is only one grand prize for victory. Plenty of smaller things relating to RP, but only one prize of major size.


Better than sliced bread
.. there are little to no anhald going guy
Stop using 'guy' to address me. I have a forum name, as well as an RP name. If Anhald gets to it, that is RP, i am just expressing my OOC distaste. I haven't -quite- checked your party members, but i figured you are bringing them. (Gods save them.)


Lord of Altera
Stop using 'guy' to address me. I have a forum name, as well as an RP name. If Anhald gets to it, that is RP, i am just expressing my OOC distaste. I haven't -quite- checked your party members, but i figured you are bringing them. (Gods save them.)
It's no secret Anhald will get to it first.
ohokay, Ian, please keep the jabs at a minimum if not non-existant. Whoever gets the prize, gets the prize, staff may or may not already have someone in mind, they may have no idea who will get it, it may be completely random, there may be a system, we don't know and it's not right to judge when going into a place blind.
.. there are little to no anhald going guy
Raph, please refer to people by their forum name, or at least part of it, it's respectful and polite rather than just saying that everyone seems the same to you (that's the impression I get when one _consistently_ refers to others as "Guy" "Bro" etc. Not saying you shouldn't ever do it, just asking to try to keep it to a minimum if you wouldn't mind.