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Lord of Altera
I generally cant turn my brain off for most shows like some people can and when I see stupid shit in anime (and in media in general).

Anyways, to move away from shit shows and "H8RS" heres a 7 hour video (the dude who mades it legitimately suggests just putting the video on 1.5 speed to get through it faster) with 250 anime recommendations covering some of the best shit to ever come out of the medium

And heres a google docs containing all the different shows if you dont have 7 hours to spare


Lord of Altera
i love SAO, never had a problem with it, and its anime, so its not meant to be super realistic


The Anime loving Brony
I'm still waiting (im)patiently for the day VR technology gives us SAO IRL.
I would definitely die super early on, but it will be cool as hell.
Anybody watching Re Zero? I'm two or three episodes behind, admittedly, though it's quite good. The MC annoys me, though I've heard he gets better in the few episodes I haven't seen, so I guess I'll see.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Just watched Usagi Drop. Super cute super heartwarming slice of life. 30 year old dude ends up adopting a six year old girl after some anime circumstances. However after there are no overly dramatic moments and just the dude and girls very real life struggles they would face in a single parent situation. Its really good for those of you that like Slice of Life animes.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK UP THE MANGA AND READ UP ON SOURCE MATERIAL. The writer is a sick deranged individual and it destroys any enjoyment you would get out of the anime. I deeply regret not listening to the review warnings.


Lord of Altera
I'm still waiting (im)patiently for the day VR technology gives us SAO IRL.
I would definitely die super early on, but it will be cool as hell.
Anybody watching Re Zero? I'm two or three episodes behind, admittedly, though it's quite good. The MC annoys me, though I've heard he gets better in the few episodes I haven't seen, so I guess I'll see.
I do, although I stopped at EP 10 and am on a break atm. Cause Emilia is imho pretty obviously related to the witch in some form.
TbH Imho you'd just have to paint her clothes black and she'd have a rather generic evil witch gown.

I generally cant turn my brain off for most shows like some people can and when I see stupid shit in anime (and in media in general).

Anyways, to move away from shit shows and "H8RS" heres a 7 hour video (the dude who mades it legitimately suggests just putting the video on 1.5 speed to get through it faster) with 250 anime recommendations covering some of the best shit to ever come out of the medium

And heres a google docs containing all the different shows if you dont have 7 hours to spare
Can't sign a lot of them.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
sakamoto desu ga?, was nice


The Anime loving Brony
So I caught up with Re Zero, and although the MC doesn't really get better, the episode quality has increased a bit, so I'm gonna stick with it until the end :p
I do, although I stopped at EP 10 and am on a break atm. Cause Emilia is imho pretty obviously related to the witch in some form.
TbH Imho you'd just have to paint her clothes black and she'd have a rather generic evil witch gown.
Yeah, I agree. I think it's a bit too obvious, so I'm hoping it's actually a fake out.


Lord of Altera
So I caught up with Re Zero, and although the MC doesn't really get better, the episode quality has increased a bit, so I'm gonna stick with it until the end :p

Yeah, I agree. I think it's a bit too obvious, so I'm hoping it's actually a fake out.
Obviousness can sometimes really get past people.
in Danganronpa 1 for example they put on a really obvious lie regarding one character, but people will totally overlooking it thinking 'oh hey its like that? I mean its common sense' - which it is just not in contet with said character.
Not that the anime was really hard as a mystery back then - tbh it was easier than the game.

And they literally slap that one in your face even.
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