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Lore & History FAQ


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Visage was Jishrim's gift to Altera. Jishrim called all the mortals to the grand shrine to receive his gift. Asked for volunteers to come forward to recieve his "gift." Shalherana came and tried to intervene before he could do it. She banished Jishrim and Jishrim was exiled, but where he stood was a porcelain child. It was essentially an empty vessel. It learned, evolved, and behaved based on how people interacted with it. I believe Silas called it a Figment. He said it had potential for great power and could become part of hte pantheon, for better or for worse, if it wasn't destroyed. The mortals begged Silas not to kill the child, and he gave the mortals a month. (An OOC week). Silas said he'd come back and make his decision then, but until then, the Figment was in the hands of the mortals.

When he came back, the child had been greatly influenced by Altera. Ended up turning into a dragon when Silas tried to kill it. The rest of hte Pantheon knew it was too late, and using their own influence, tried to alter the course of the entity that was going to take its place in their ranks. There's a post somewhere that says what each of the Gods gave to Visage, but in the end, Visage became the god that he is today.

Visage was never mortal, but rather Jishrim's creation, in a way.

This is certainly what most everyone saw. God of Lies and Secrets and all that. Lots of stuff happened in the background with a few key players both before the "birth" event happened and during it. Have fun looking into these things ICly!


The Lurker
Retired Staff
This is certainly what most everyone saw. God of Lies and Secrets and all that. Lots of stuff happened in the background with a few key players both before the "birth" event happened and during it. Have fun looking into these things ICly!
Indeed. I'm just pulling from the three main public events that happened that everyone was privy to. ^.^


Non sum qualis eram
Then why did the Immortal Kings help? If they did help I was told this IC not OOC. Then also why does the Pantheon call her out of all the other gods for double censure. Not worshipping the pantheon is already heresy but they make an entire extra rule about her.
PM me if you are curious, or ask Naelwyn IC.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I'll allow Faelin to comment on this. There have been conversations that happened after your demotion and it would certainly be best that the head of lore explain instead of myself.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Well back on the rails...

If Grief made Moor Elves, were the other races in Altera made from specific gods as well?


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Once I heard (I can't remember if IC or OOC) that Jishrim made the humans. The elves had long lives to grant them wisdom to learn from their mistakes, but the humans had such short existences that they kept repeating their mistakes and sowing more seeds of chaos.

Theodra made elves I think.

(I am like 40% certain the above information. That is not a high enough percentage to take that as canon.)


Lord of Altera
Well back on the rails...

If Grief made Moor Elves, were the other races in Altera made from specific gods as well?
Korog made dwarves
Jishrim made humans
either Sallana or Shalherana, or maybe both, idk, made Elves.
Greylings made the Earthspawn, who then revolted and killed a bunch of greylings.

EDIT- apparently wrong about elves, makes sense, never really got interested in playing elves.

Source- Got bored one day and actually went through lore threads, though again, didn't care much about elves and ignored information pertaining to them.


Lord of Altera
Elves were made by shalherana and theodra influenced those that joined her domain of the forest into becoming hunters, whom them became the forest elves. The rest became silver elves.

Source: elven and theodra lore pages.