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Lord of Altera

Can this go back to being about lore stuffs? It was a picture, and i'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but turning it into an argument isn't good for anyone.


Lord of Altera
Personally I would like to ask why our gods suddenly needed help from mortals.

And why they were actually as weak as they were.


Bored Brit
Personally I would like to ask why our gods suddenly needed help from mortals.

And why they were actually as weak as they were.
I'd like to say, Look at this campaign.

The 'Gods' ask for help. We then 'help' by collecting these Bastion stones and the world begins to break apart, which would in the end destroy the new map too. Now, does that sound like help to you?

More than likely it was just Clain being all corrupty and deathy.

Or at least. . .Thats what I've gathered.


Lord of Altera
We've been hinted of weak entities, or very broken, powerful spirits before though. Assuming you were present for when we received the first stone.

Just a theory is all


Lord of Altera
We've been hinted of weak entities, or very broken, powerful spirits before though. Assuming you were present for when we received the first stone.

Just a theory is all
to be fair, im not sure that anyone other than staff would be able to answer your question, due to the fact the bastion campaign thing got put on hold since Clain died and someone else nabbed the stones, then refused to do anything with them. The only way you'd be able to get your answer would probably be from staff spoiling their ideas for the campaign.


Retired Staff
I've got a theory on that one. The gods are quite powerful but limited to action within their sphere of influence. Shalherana can't do anything about the undead because they're within Skraag's domain, and Skraag has no abilities outside generating undead. So if the stones aren't included in any god's sphere, then none can do anything about them.


Lord of Altera
I've got a theory on that one. The gods are quite powerful but limited to action within their sphere of influence. Shalherana can't do anything about the undead because they're within Skraag's domain, and Skraag has no abilities outside generating undead. So if the stones aren't included in any god's sphere, then none can do anything about them.
I'm fairly sure this should already be a god war, however. While I've been told that the gods are still prone to mistake/death/injury and the like, its been seen that multiple gods can be invoked by the entire continent/NK's conflict as this goes on with what the undead. This is including but not limited to, well, Shalherana who always brings people back, Crusade would likely be angry in a good way about humans and the undead fighting, slightly like a war and the like. And of course all of the god factions/followers still waltzing around and doing their thing.

Just an idea, its cool, kind of.


Bored Brit
New Question:
What happens if we just take the Bastion stones from the old map, and bury them in the four corners of the new map?

I mean, we only started seeing evil spoops after they were removed, right? :p


Lord of Altera
New Question:
What happens if we just take the Bastion stones from the old map, and bury them in the four corners of the new map?

I mean, we only started seeing evil spoops after they were removed, right? :p
The Anchor is where we would need to put the stones, not the corners. That's not how the wards worked.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
The Anchor is where we would need to put the stones, not the corners. That's not how the wards worked.
Neither is that. Keeping the Stones on the Pedestals (big fancy temples server events were at) is what sorta binds them to the Wards, as per an old theory made, like, on the first day of the campaign. The temples tend to collapse afterwards, so afaik, putting them back isn't an option. A theory, during an IC conference between some characters, was proposed that Pedestals also existed in other continents that'd make 'Re-Warding' possible, but that is, again, just theoretical.

*Shrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuug* Lets just take the anchors
It's a bit late for that idea. rip.

And for clarification, the 'Anchor' was the device Clain claimed would help the Gods, when powered by all four Bastion Stones. The temples that guarded the Stones are different.

addendum: don't take this as fact, i'm no lore guy


Lord of Altera
Because they are huge pillars made of a heavy and very immobile material.

That are buried under fifty tons of rock from the collapsed temples.

The question I have is.

What were the seeds of light in the grand cathedral? All we were told was "message received" but none of the recent happenings seem connected or hinted at by this "message"

Did we just skip over that or completely derail the intended plotline?


Lord of Altera
Because they are huge pillars made of a heavy and very immobile material.

That are buried under fifty tons of rock from the collapsed temples.

The question I have is.

What were the seeds of light in the grand cathedral? All we were told was "message received" but none of the recent happenings seem connected or hinted at by this "message"

Did we just skip over that or completely derail the intended plotline?
I really only posted that as a joke summary I hope you realize :p


Bored Brit
We were told where to put the bastions. But we, as a whole, don't have them. Instead they were taken by individuals, and are being hidden. Quite reasonably so, too. I mean, the Bastions really didn't seem to be doing any good.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Personally I would like to ask why our gods suddenly needed help from mortals.

And why they were actually as weak as they were.

Also, don't forget about the events of Unease. They gods left because their continued presence was beginning to affect the mortal world. Continuing to be present, according to them, was the cause of the fluctuations that the mortals were noticing. So it was decide that they would leave the mortals to their own devices and no longer interfere.

Then enter Clain, who says that all of the Gods are in threat of being forgotten and weak now. He said that by getting the Bastion Stones and putting them into a separate anchor mechanism could bring them back and save them from fading away entirely. He said his mission was to keep the current Pantheon from joining the ranks of the Forgotten, and that if the Stones were put into the Anchor, the Gods would be tethered to Altera. Said that it was the only way to save them from being forgotten and fading away completely.

That's just bits and bobs that had been stated openly at various events, though. Take that information as you will.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Based on everything I've discovered IC the Gods are just very powerful spirits. Not very different from elementals. They gain power from worship not stealing memories n the like from mortals, though again they could be even similar as I don't know what Elementals such as Shoreless need to do to become the Sea of Storms. As far as I know no one worships the giant hurricane but we do have a Shoreless heretic aka Sankera.

According to IC talks with Naelwyn there are literally thousands of minor gods who are being surpressed by the Pantheon. Which would explain why the Divine Law exists. It prevents these minor deities from gaining power to challenge them and force their acceptance.

Also I have reason to believe that based on some books discovered outside the NK a few months back that the longer God's spend in our realm the weaker they become. Meaning they need to frequently return to their realm to prevent losing their power. Which may also play a hand in why most of the gods decided to step back. Unless they got lots of worship it weakened them to manifest in the world. But it also explains why certain deities appeared a metric ton. Jishrim gets more powerful off of chaos so usually by appearing he causes himself to get stronger. Rahas had Marr for a long time. Silas had Thiil and Ignis has Anhald. Which explains why they make the bigger splashes. More worshippers means more power for them to actually help or hurt as it goes.

Now we veer off into my educated guess with no real evidence area. I think the reason SWIBN is double banned from the Pantheon is because they are terrified of her return. They fear that any worship of her might cause her to form again, especially seeing as Silas has part of her in him granting him his divinity, and seeing as I was told ICly that the Immortal Kings helped Nael and Legion kill her, maybe she was different somehow to justify brining in the huge guns to kill her. So something about her terrifies the gods and motivated the super gods to shank her. Which I find awesome. However unfortunately given those who know won't tell that's about the extent of my over one year IRL research into the matter IC. I appear to have hit a glass ceiling where no more information about her will can be obtained. Shame really I find her more interesting than the rest of the Pantheon.