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Deceased Althalos | The Misunderstood


Bored Brit
There is such things as recovery, adrenaline, the heat of the moment, and being fueled by emotions. In case you didn't know.
All of this doesn't mean you'll get better. You were hit in places that Medieval science had no way to heal properly.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
you get shot in the back by a crossbow you're going to feel it, even adrenaline doesn't cover for that, and lack of protection aswell, forgive me if I'm wrong but the nervous receivings of such an attack aren't quick enough to not feel pain

and 'heat of the moment' is purely psychological and a placebo
And he did feel pain for two OOC days due to his injuries. However in a fight your body doesn't just let that pain go on, it numbs it temporarily. Which is why Althalos wasn't doing much anything that required a lot of moving in casual RP.

All of this doesn't mean you'll get better. You were hit in places that Medieval science had no way to heal properly.
He didn't get better.
It took time for him to heal.


Lord of Altera
To be fair you had a ship's deck fall onto you and you were eaten by zombies but got bandaged and traveled the world a few hours later. And yeah I don't know if he's rping these wounds correctly but a lot of people don't.


Lord of Altera
gets slammed onto a deck of a ship by a kraken multiple times

still feels it IC/OOC months later


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
To be fair you had a ship's deck fall onto you and you were eaten by zombies but got bandaged and traveled the world a few hours later. And yeah I don't know if he's rping these wounds correctly but a lot of people don't.
I think that you are correct- I may sometimes slip when it comes too RPing wounds and injuries, but like you said, most everyone does that. But ya know this doesn't make it a good thing to do, so I usually RP Alth's injuries as realistically as I can.

Horror Island. It happened early morning/last night.

Then there is the damage to your leg that medieval science has no way to fix and should therefore be crippled.
Oh- no, he still has those injuries for a few OOC days, though they have been treated.

And I don't recall what leg damage you are talking about.


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
I think that you are correct- I may sometimes slip when it comes too RPing wounds and injuries, but like you said, most everyone does that. But ya know this doesn't make it a good thing to do, so I usually RP Alth's injuries as realistically as I can.

Oh- no, he still has those injuries for a few OOC days, though they have been treated.

And I don't recall what leg damage you are talking about.
When Rysel Azur speared Althalos through the leg like Ned Stark got speared.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
When Rysel Azur speared Althalos through the leg like Ned Stark got speared.
From his emote, that wasn't a huge stab, it was just an injury that would last a few days.
And even in those days that it did last, it caused great pain to walk or stand so he spent most all the time sitting.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
So was his jaw, but no one would know from your RPs.
It was determined that his jaw /wasn't/ broken.
And can we take this off of the thread?
Make a convo with me if you really think I am a powergaming monster...


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
No. Noooo it wasn't?
Nope, it was not broken.
I remember that I consented to light injury due to the fact that I hadn't done anything to provoke Wulfric, and it was settled that the jaw would not be broken because of that.
You can't just void consent and inflict major damage because 'that's how your character acts'.
You've had this problem before too, mokwar told you he didn't like this RP but you kept at it because 'I can't change the way my character acts'.


Bored Brit
Nope, it was not broken.
I remember that I consented to light injury due to the fact that I hadn't done anything to provoke Wulfric, and it was settled that the jaw would not be broken because of that.
So its fine to settle things without the person it directly concerns being involved. Alright.

Paint I'm lord of Eberhall now.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
So its fine to settle things without the person it directly concerns being involved. Alright.

Paint I'm lord of Eberhall now.
It was settled right when the blow was dealt, don't act so problematic about it.
If you don't like how I RP, just don't RP with me- because most others don't think I powergame, because I don't.