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Deceased Althalos | The Misunderstood


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
If I may, the plate that Alth was using had no description of it at all other than 'hellish chest plate' so both parties did not know what shoulder protection would be. We both agreed that there would be basic shoulder protection there like chain which is why the bolt went through. That injury was properly fixed by Niko and is now at the will of time to heal which would be significant (more than a few OOC days).

Now, by my count this argument has stretched for a little over two pages. I suggest that if there is still more to discuss it should be taken to a private conversation rather than posted here on his own character's thread.
That is correct.
And yeah, I already have a convo with someone about the armor, if you want, ask me to add you in there.


Lord of Altera
From his emote, that wasn't a huge stab, it was just an injury that would last a few days.
And even in those days that it did last, it caused great pain to walk or stand so he spent most all the time sitting.
As the dude who did the stabbing, and using common sense, Rystel stabbed through the back of your knee, which isn't exactly a minor injury. At the very least, it'd have left Althalos's knee unstable and in very poor condition, still able to walk on it, but the chances of his leg giving out are pretty high up there. At worst he'd have an infection in the joint or something. I checked up on it, but never argued the injury because it wasn't worth it. Having read through two pages of you and others arguing over injuries your character should or should not have, I can see I made the right choice.


Lord of Altera
As the dude who did the stabbing, and using common sense, Rystel stabbed through the back of your knee, which isn't exactly a minor injury. At the very least, it'd have left Althalos's knee unstable and in very poor condition, still able to walk on it, but the chances of his leg giving out are pretty high up there. At worst he'd have an infection in the joint or something. I checked up on it, but never argued the injury because it wasn't worth it. Having read through two pages of you and others arguing over injuries your character should or should not have, I can see I made the right choice.
dude, they just stated to take it to a private convo, no need to repost part of the argument on the thread.
That being said, I'm going to rerail the thread back onto Althalos and his character profile, as that's what it should be, and say I like how the character has evolved with what's happened and how he's responded to the obstacles he's faced. I hope to rp with you more in the future.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
dude, they just stated to take it to a private convo, no need to repost part of the argument on the thread.
That being said, I'm going to rerail the thread back onto Althalos and his character profile, as that's what it should be, and say I like how the character has evolved with what's happened and how he's responded to the obstacles he's faced. I hope to rp with you more in the future.
And yeah, Althalos started off as a happy, carefree individual and is now a sort of mundane drunkard. His personality now is very scattered- he doesn't have that much of a temper now, as he has learned to not care about too much, but he is colder towards the world now. I'd say, from my knowledge, there hasn't been a character that has been attacked so many times, mentally and physically, and still survived.
Obviously, this is partly due to the fact that I only consent to death while doing heavy provocation or lethal attacks, but even when death consent is given he survives.

Correct me if I am wrong on this, but Althalos really has been through a lot more than most in this one IC year... as you said, he's a weed. Constantly getting stepped on, but never dying :^)


Lord of Altera
And yeah, Althalos started off as a happy, carefree individual and is now a sort of mundane drunkard. His personality now is very scattered- he doesn't have that much of a temper now, as he has learned to not care about too much, but he is colder towards the world now. I'd say, from my knowledge, there hasn't been a character that has been attacked so many times, mentally and physically, and still survived.
Obviously, this is partly due to the fact that I only consent to death while doing heavy provocation or lethal attacks, but even when death consent is given he survives.

Correct me if I am wrong on this, but Althalos really has been through a lot more than most in this one IC year... as you said, he's a weed. Constantly getting stepped on, but never dying :^)
honestly? best analogy would be a cockroach in how much he refuses to die, but I don't mean it any bad roachy way XD
leather won't do well against a bolt
oi, no, we're rerailing, we're done with this.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
honestly? best analogy would be a cockroach in how much he refuses to die, but I don't mean it any bad roachy way XD

oi, no, we're rerailing, we're done with this.
Lol that is true too XD

leather won't do well against a bolt

"Raphael Payne" lelelel
I dunno mate, Raph hasn't been to Horror Island three times and didn't get beat down all the time O_O


Lord of Altera
dude, they just stated to take it to a private convo, no need to repost part of the argument on the thread.
That being said, I'm going to rerail the thread back onto Althalos and his character profile, as that's what it should be, and say I like how the character has evolved with what's happened and how he's responded to the obstacles he's faced. I hope to rp with you more in the future.
I was mentioned, so I responded. The context of injuries is definitely on-rails in regards to the character. I made my post about the injury, whether Electric chooses to read it and roll with it, or ignore it is his choice. If he wants to add me to the private convo, given I have a relation to one of the injuries Althalos should have, that'd be cool. Otherwise I have to make do and post it where my part will be seen.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
I was mentioned, so I responded. The context of injuries is definitely on-rails in regards to the character. I made my post about the injury, whether Electric chooses to read it and roll with it, or ignore it is his choice. If he wants to add me to the private convo, given I have a relation to one of the injuries Althalos should have, that'd be cool. Otherwise I have to make do and post it where my part will be seen.
Alrighty, since you asked I'll add ya