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Lord of Altera
You seem to be keeping up with this seasons anime. Any good ones out there worth my time? I've been judging a lot of them by their cover and passing on a bunch. Only one I plan on watching for sure is the second season of Blue Exorcist when it finishes.
I am mostly watching the current seasons. I have already given up on ever clearing my backlog lol.

Just my personal favs for this season:

Konosuba/Konosubarashi <something japanese> / Blessing the world with wonderful blessings Season 2: - Fantasy/Comedy
Season 1 is also on Crunchy;
Basically the MC dies and gets reborn into a fantasy world - he is being granted a single boon to defeat the demon king there.
Well the goddess who lets him pick is being a b**ch so he says he'll take her with him. - Chaos pre programmed.

in the End the MC's ends up with a group of uber-misfits:
A mage that can only cast one(albeit powerful) spell, his dumb-goddess Archpriestess, and a M-Crusader that can't hit her target.

Its pretty fun and definitely worth a try. The silliness needs a bit getting used to though; Its one of the more popular ones - Be prepped for the usual anime ecchi amount though.

Chaos; Child: Mystery/SciFi/Fantasy

Ifd you have Seen Chaos;Head this is pretty much the sequel.
Its from the same studio as Steins;Gate. (their games/Anime can usually be identified by the ';' separating two words)

Showa Genroku no Rakugo Season 2- Drama/Comedy
Its a pretty epic drama about centered around MCs that are Rakugo artists and Rakugo itself.
As for what Rakugo is basically storytelling - mostly with some kind of pointe; If you have watched ShinChan as a child you will recognize a few of them as shin chan takes some jokes from Rakugo.

The shortest description would be sit-down comedy but any Japanese reading this will prolly want to murder me for that description - especially since not all Rakugo stories are really comedy... Shikigami for example (told in the anime too) is rather dark.

Chain chronicle:
Actually on my backlog, its a fantasy story so I can't say much about it yet.

Only other one I can think of good atm when digging through my backlog is 91 Days, which is an epic mafia drama story. :D
There is really no universal list of recommendable anime.

For example I while I know it has lot (and even a good one) plot I can't bear High School DxD anymore after season 1. Or how a youtuber fittingly called it "Plot with 'plot' "

I'm in the anime hole. I have nothing to watch. Netflix is dry. I've watched most of the classics. And the greatest sin of all
I prefer dubs

Send halp plox.
Some dubs like the one from Code-Geass are actually rather good and praiseworthy.
C.C. and the Emperor for example have been hit spot on.
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The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff

Honestly, the list is too long to type out, and I kinda wish I'd kept track.
Okay then. We'll stick to dubs for now. I'll give them a rough grade on the side A-D. I won't recommend a failing grade anime. That said each anime here is rated according to how much I enjoyed them for what they are. So there is discrepancy in my grading. I didn't grade a comedy as harshly as a drama. Also a few shows that are dramas lost points for fan service and such if it got out of hand or didn't fit. This is not extensive as I just went alphabetically down one of my streaming sites and picked out the ones I watched from it. I have watched far more.

Absolute Duo : C
Akame Ga Kill! : B+
Aldnoah.Zero : A-
Angel Beats : A
Baccano : (Ungraded, I have yet to watch it but its critically acclaimed)
Baka and Test : B-
Berserk: (Ungraded, I didn't care for it but folks Love it)
Blue Exorcist: B+
Charolette: C+
Chobits: D- (It came highly recommend but honestly I thought it was crap, maybe you'll like it)
Clannad and Afterstory: A+ (If your into feels this will get ya)
Claymore: B
Code Geass R1 and R2: A+
Cowboy Bebop: A+
Dance in the Vampire Bund: C
Deadman Wonderland : B+
Death Note: A+
Death Parade: A+
Durrarra (oh however manny R's and A's are in the spelling) : (Untitled but critically acclaimed, just couldn't grab me though)
Erased: A
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (make sure you get the 2014 not the 90s one) : B+
Fate/Zero: A+
Freezing: D-
Full Metal Alchemist (Both of them literally I don't know why I'm writing this one out but if you have watched one but not the other watchi it. There is a bit of overlap but they diverge quite a bit in the later bits of the show.) A+ Gold standard of anime
Future Diary: (This has a Dub but I do not recommend it. I highly recommend going to the sub. The dub is terrible quality and almost turned me off an amazing show.) A
Guilty Crown: B+ or A- depending on my mood.
Gunslinger Girl: A+ (Do not let the fact this show has little girls as a major plot point turn you off. There is no loli nonsense here just serious plot and mature drama about ethics and shit.)
Hellsing : B
Hellsing Ultimate OVA: A+
Hiragashi When they Cry: A (Give this one some warm up time. Starts out slice of life and ends up full horror.)
Honey and Clover: B+ really nice slice of life to chill and watch
Hunter x Hunter : A (Definetely worth a watch. If you liked Yu Yu Hakusho this is the show for you)
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: (Not gonna grade this as parts of the series Stardust crusade I hate, whereas the first two arcs may be some of the best anime I've ever watched)
K : B (And its sequel return of Kings)
Kill La Kill : A+
Log Horizon: A
Lupin III (Literally any of his movies is great if you don't mind really old animation)
Magi: (LIterally any of the Magi seasons and SPIN OFF is great though I recommend watching it in order it was aired) A+
Monster : A+ (Really old really great but SLOW anime. Comes from a day when fan service didn't exist and they did things like hard drama and plot)
Mushishi: B (Would rate higher but only watched a few episodes. It is good though)
My Bride is a Mermaid: C+
No Game No Life : A+ (EXCESSIVE fan service though, you have been warned)
Noragami: A
Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan : B-
Parasyte : A
Psycho Pass: A
Puella Madoka Magicka: (I could not stand the magical girl genre. I just can't. However if you can this is a gem not to be overlooked.)
ReLIFE: B+ (Very solid overlooked slice of life aimed at older folks but still in a high school setting)
Rosario+Vampire: B
Ruroni Kenshin: B (I had to include the first anime I ever watched.)
Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal : A+ (The prequel to ruroni kenshin but NOTHING like it. This was when Kenshin was a man and had no problems killing. It is dark gritty and definetly not the kid friendly ruroni Kenshin.)
Soul Eater: B
Spice and Wolf: A+
Steins Gate: A+
Sword Art Online: (You probably already know if you like this or not. Parts of the show are great, other parts meh, other parts horrendous. If you haven't given it a go I recommend at least the first season which is pretty solid.)
The Legend of Legendary Heroes: A
The Devil is a Part Timer: B+
The Heroic Legend of Arslan: A+ (Really the only bad thing I can say about this show is there is not enough of it. Make sure its the new one not the really old one.)
The Melancholy of Haruhui Suzimaya. : A (Its uh a weird show. Defiantly give it a go though. Theres a reason its popular enough people made a fake religion around it. Though word of advice when you get to the episodes titled "Endless Eight" Watch one skip the rest. You'll thank me later.)
The Seven Deadly Sins: B (First season is solid. Second season I haven't watched yet though.)
Tokyo Ghoul: A (It could have been much better yes if it had followed the manga/LN but its still really good as a stand alone)
Toradora! : A
Trigun: A
Trinity Blood: B
Yu Yu Hakosho: A



The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Some dubs like the one from Code-Geass are actually rather good and praiseworthy.
C.C. and the Emperor for example have been hit spot on.
(Thanks for the review I'll check them out. Snipped for space.)

But I agree. I really want to support high quality dubs when they exist to encourage more animes to get the treatment sooner. That said some excellent animes have gotten horrendous dubs. Future Diary and Angel Beats come to mind as two amazing animes that are nearly ruined by their terrible voice acting.


Lord of Altera
(Thanks for the review I'll check them out. Snipped for space.)

But I agree. I really want to support high quality dubs when they exist to encourage more animes to get the treatment sooner. That said some excellent animes have gotten horrendous dubs. Future Diary and Angel Beats come to mind as two amazing animes that are nearly ruined by their terrible voice acting.
If the dub I heard earlier today for Overlord then that is a good example too - both the MC as well as Albedo sound far too high pitched while they should sound a lot darker.
Albedo in particular is supposed to be a rather cruel fallen/dark angel, that high pitched voice she got there doesn't fit that at all.
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Lord of Altera
I've not finished Overlord completely(I really need to get around to it) but the first time I saw Albedo i fell in love with her. But, I do have to agree her voice is too high pitched to portray someone sinister.

I am also addicted to Youjo Senki.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Youjo Senki and Kobayashi's Dragon Maid are my two favourites of this season, the majority of my Uni's Anime Society agree on the former too, the latter is more of a thing only of few of us know and love but it is really great.

Also Youjo Senki and Overlord have the same band doing their Opening/Ending. LLL/Jingo Jungle by Myth and Roid.


Lord of Altera
I've not finished Overlord completely(I really need to get around to it) but the first time I saw Albedo i fell in love with her. But, I do have to agree her voice is too high pitched to portray someone sinister.

I am also addicted to Youjo Senki.
You do realize that she is in approval of flaying people and using their skin for pergament, even calling them 'Sheep' or 'local wildlife' , are you xD.


Lord of Altera
You do realize that she is in approval of flaying people and using their skin for pergament, even calling them 'Sheep' or 'local wildlife' , are you xD.
That may or may not be why I love her. Nope, not at all. I also love Demiurge because of his sheer cruelty to anything other than Nazaricks.


I know I am to new of an anime fan and not worthy to be on this thread but...


Lord of Altera
I know I am to new of an anime fan and not worthy to be on this thread but...
yes. yes it is.

I'm not going to go through 75 pages to find out if someone already recommend this somewhere, but RWBY is pretty damn good for a web series made in here in the US (gotta love to hate the idiots who go around asking for the "original" Japanese sub and hating the "dub" voices. yes, such morons exist and some continue to argue the point even after having it explained to them...).


yes. yes it is.

I'm not going to go through 75 pages to find out if someone already recommend this somewhere, but RWBY is pretty damn good for a web series made in here in the US (gotta love to hate the idiots who go around asking for the "original" Japanese sub and hating the "dub" voices. yes, such morons exist and some continue to argue the point even after having it explained to them...).
I still need to watch that. People have recommended it to me but I can't find it. Any place I can find it?


Lord of Altera
That may or may not be why I love her. Nope, not at all. I also love Demiurge because of his sheer cruelty to anything other than Nazaricks.
I should correct myself: 'Flaying them alive and then heal them so she can do it over and over'.
Jokes aside though, I like how Overlord tells the story mainly from the evil undead lord's perspective rather than the heroes setting out to defeat him (although the novel often changes perspectives)

The sad thing is that all the Heroes are so heavily underpowered compared to the people of Nazarik that it is no fun again.
Take the guy who actually tried taking on Shaltear as example - he is one of the best swordsmen there are, yet Shaltear wiped the floor with him.

Worst thing is: Its not even a Worf Syndrome - She actually is that OP compared to him, and even more Hero characters.
Tbh I doubt ther will ever be enough character growth for any of them to be able to seriously oppose them.

While on Shaltear - her English voice is surprisingly fitting.


Lord of Altera
I should correct myself: 'Flaying them alive and then heal them so she can do it over and over'.
Jokes aside though, I like how Overlord tells the story mainly from the evil undead lord's perspective rather than the heroes setting out to defeat him (although the novel often changes perspectives)

The sad thing is that all the Heroes are so heavily underpowered compared to the people of Nazarik that it is no fun again.
Take the guy who actually tried taking on Shaltear as example - he is one of the best swordsmen there are, yet Shaltear wiped the floor with him.

Worst thing is: Its not even a Worf Syndrome - She actually is that OP compared to him, and even more Hero characters.
Tbh I doubt ther will ever be enough character growth for any of them to be able to seriously oppose them.

While on Shaltear - her English voice is surprisingly fitting.
That is why I prefer an Anime like overlord over the generic "Let's sit here and watch 200 episodes of an anime that should only be 50 episodes long because 150 of it are filler content we put in to drag this out as long as possible." My biggest problem with Anime is it's usually a story following a bunch of group of hero's, they have some hard times, a couple side characters die and whooo the world is saved, yaaaaaay *Handclap*

Yeah no, the biggest reason i stopped watching anime is because I sat there and wanted to see the evil organization prevail for once. For a long time I only watched harem esc shows where it was one guy surrounded in three or more women(I don't think I have to say much more, we all know what anime I am referencing.)

However, I can see where your point is coming from, I would like to see more heroic characters come into Overlord that had the mass of power to at least put one of the characters lifes in danger, maybe even have an episode where they have to be rescued and have their wounds tended. Just something to keep me from tapping my nails against my desk as I sigh and check Hollowworld forums in a different tab.


Lord of Altera
That is why I prefer an Anime like overlord over the generic "Let's sit here and watch 200 episodes of an anime that should only be 50 episodes long because 150 of it are filler content we put in to drag this out as long as possible." My biggest problem with Anime is it's usually a story following a bunch of group of hero's, they have some hard times, a couple side characters die and whooo the world is saved, yaaaaaay *Handclap*

Yeah no, the biggest reason i stopped watching anime is because I sat there and wanted to see the evil organization prevail for once. For a long time I only watched harem esc shows where it was one guy surrounded in three or more women(I don't think I have to say much more, we all know what anime I am referencing.)

However, I can see where your point is coming from, I would like to see more heroic characters come into Overlord that had the mass of power to at least put one of the characters lifes in danger, maybe even have an episode where they have to be rescued and have their wounds tended. Just something to keep me from tapping my nails against my desk as I sigh and check Hollowworld forums in a different tab.
'You mean "'Plot' with plot?' (also know as HS DxD)
But yeah i know the problem, which is why I changed to mystery anime, slice of life and drama.

and tbh I enjoy the Rakugo anime a lot - there are no real heroes there is a main character and thats it.
Chaos Head - for the mystery

Only exemption I am deliberately making is konosuba - that one is just hilarious though.
The min problem though is that all the really good anime apparently don't seem to sell well compared to the likes of High School DxD and thus don't get additional seasons.

Gosh you have no idea how happy I am Code Geass finally got a third one.


Lord of Altera
I've not tried mystery anime, however will check some of those out. But yeah, that's what I mean. It makes me want to rub nails on a chalkboard.

Code Geass is not an anime title I've heard in a LONG time, believe the last time I heard of it was back in 2010 when one of my best friends wouldn't shut up about it. Now I feel old for even thinking that was seven years ago.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Now I feel old for even thinking that was seven years ago.
It's ok, my mind is still stuck in neutral, and kinda has been since 2005. I still feel like I'm 15 or so.

And this is coming from someone who, since then, has graduated high school, college, and is now a working adult.


Lord of Altera
It's ok, my mind is still stuck in neutral, and kinda has been since 2005. I still feel like I'm 15 or so.

And this is coming from someone who, since then, has graduated high school, college, and is now a working adult.
I can understand that, I maybe going on 21 soon but I still feel 15-16. I had to take a couple years for my health and now that I have gotten past that I can move forward, get the rest of my education and move out of the house I currently live in.

However I'm still dumbfounded about what to do for college, I've narrowed it down to the police academy, nursing school, art or become a dog trainer. All of which scare me half to death except art.


Loyal Servant of Altera
*Renames chat to reminiscing ageing anime fans.*

As for me, the good old days are 2014, I'm new to anime. XD
No nostalgia goggles for me, just good old Military Moe like Youjo Senki.