Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hollowworld: The Gathering, Reconstructing Expansion


Lord of Altera
ok, had another idea, if you'd like ANY character represented in the new joke set, let me know! Either on here, or via PM. Only 2 things I need to know: Character's name, and one trait/skill/hobby/pasttime/whatever that you feel personifies this character, I'll make a joke card around them.


Lord of Altera
From having their parents be dead or abusive, to having no emotions, black hair, red eyes, and dripping with good looks, to the obvious twin katanas on their back (not counting the numerous blades hidden all over their person) It's the Orphan Assassins, here to demand attention, only to shrug it off when given. They'll interrupt any rp to emote how awesome they are, and then hijack said rp to take full control of the situation, making nothing a challenge, and everything a moment to brood and appear vulnerable (which they're not, lol, cause how is that cool or fun?) ah, can't forget the theme song for this set! But it's just so broody, angsty, and outright overpowered, that I just HAD to use 2.
Don't forget to check out Shadowdark Moondeath Bloodtear, the leader of these people... well, that's how I've coined them off anyways, I doubt they'll lead, or that the others will allow themselves to BE led.


Lord of Altera
So... Thinking about trying something new for this, I'll keep doing the polls to decide what set is next, but I won't be the one to decide who is in the polls~
Feel free to submit entries for polls, but if someone submits an entry you like, please don't post a message about the same group, just like theirs!
(Ex. Someone votes for ranger cards, they get 5 likes, and one person who didn't like posting and also advocating for rangers, Rangers only get 1 points from the poster +1 for each like)


Lord of Altera
Only two more sets before I kidnap/blackmail and strongarm convince a few of my friends to do a game with me using these sets! One of the next sets will be something you guys voted on at the poll HERE but the other one is one I'd like to be commissioned (totally not because I'm desperately trying to get as many plots for Ironwal as I can before people start settling there >_> )
so since the poll still has 6 days left for people to vote and suggest new ideas, feel free to commission a new set! since this will be the last one before I take a break to nab my friends, I'm offering a set at only 1000 rads (500 if it was on a poll before or something along those lines ^_^)


Lord of Altera
so, because this will be the tenth set, any set commissioned will only cost 1000 rads! Unless it was one of these sets:

Outcasts & Exiles
Shadows Over Altera
Merchants of Tambry
Riseport's Hooligans
Rejected Characters
Actually Good RP
Children of Altera

in which case the set in question will only cost 500 rads to commission


Lord of Altera
bumpadiddly doot doo...
stiiiill needing that final set commission (Yes I'm working on the mages set, but still) just a reminder that sets listed above only cost 500 rads, and any other set will only be 1000


Lord of Altera
I am happy to say that the 10th spot has been claimed! Riseport's Hooligans will be in the works after the Mages set is done. Upon completion, my friends and I will work on printing out the different cards we wish to use and making decks out of them!
The current rules for said game will be this:
Standard Commander rules (99 card deck, no copies unless it's basic lands, 40 life, 1 legendary creature as your commander)
commander MUST be a legendary creature from HW
Must include (???) cards from HW
people can use cards others have chosen to use, but no decks may be the same (No 2 Anhalder decks)
If you guys can think of other rules that should be added, please post them!


Lord of Altera
Fireballs, lightning bolts, and mind reading oh my! with those spells and many more, the mages of altera will dominate the others... unless someone destroys their focii... but what's this? non-canonical mages are in the fray! Emeric can help when you first play him, but his powers are very unstable and won't help much when opponents know what's coming. Luckily, if the board gets overflowed, you can clear it by playing the magically overloaded earthspawn, Kam! She can hit hard, and if she dies, everyone gets hit even harder. Don't count out Kopii though! He may not be a mage, but he's so willing to learn that, if other wizards give him a bit of time, he's quite the force to be reckoned with! hit your opponent and peel their defenses away little by little before giving an all out final attack and sweeping victory right into your clutches!


Lord of Altera
Hooligan set is coming along slowly, would like to note that, once it is done, there will be a period of time where nothing much will be done her. First I will have to look over the cards, fixing any errors there may be, then I have to make sure everything is in place (I did not do this with the Mages set, I completely forgot to add the focii, but I will be doing that just before I release the hooligan set) and lastly, I will be keeping you guys informed on which of my friends are playing, what sets they'll be using, what type of deck it s, and then we'll be constructing custom commanders for each player based off a HW character that could viably link together both of the sets. Please be patient during this time (cause you guys are TOTALLY hounding me about this every hour of every day ;) ) and I can promise that, by the end of november (Cause classes suuuuuuuuuuck) there will be a video posted of me and friends playing a game of magic with these cards


Lord of Altera
ok sooooo, I haven't forgotten Riseport's Hooligans >_> and in fact I'm about halfway done with it! I had a serious case of writer's block and have been having to deal with crazy work schedule. Good news is that now I can work on these at my game club every thursday for 4 hours straight, and get other people's input since we're working on game designing!!! expect this set to be done around then, and then we shall work to run a live game using these cards!


Lord of Altera
So, with Riseport's Hooligans almost done, the president of my game club actually asked me to prep a set for the entire club to work on designing together, I'll start a poll sometime soon after gathering information on what kinds of sets you guys would like, I guess this could be the 10th ACTUAL set (Since everyone knows Orphan Assassins are too edgy to be playable) thus, while I'll stick to my promise of filming my friends and I playing a real game after the Riseport's Hooligans set is done, whether or not the next set is, I'll still put a poll out for the next set ^_^ make sure to watch for another thread asking for ideas!


Lord of Altera
driven from their home in the jungles, the mafia of Hollowworld now resides in a cove, but in the world of the cards, they are not helpless, they have the bodies of the enslaved to take care of deeds for them. Utilizing the significant manpower at their disposal, the Hooligans of Riseport will kill you without having to lay a finger on you. They will win through their resource usage, and disregard for their own safety! teetering on the edge of life and death itself, these lawbreakers, criminals, these rabblerousers all want only one thing, your demise, and they're willing to pay whatever they have to to achieve it.
RISEPORT'S HOOLIGANS ARE HERE! COMMISSIONS WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL I CAN GET TOGETHER A REAL LIFE PLAYING OF MTG WITH THESE CARDS! I will start a poll on what you guys think the rules should be, that being said, enjoy the new cards!~


Lord of Altera
Man i would love one of these
I mean, I could do a single request if you'd like, it would be 100r, but I could do it. I just can't do sets right now since those take a while to do (the longest one taking little more than half a year '>_>)