Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poster] Seeking Mind Magus and Priest/Priestess of Sallana


Lord of Altera
*Several posters such as this are posted around Storm's landing*

Expertise Needed:
Seeking Mind Magus and Priest or Priestess of Sallana

Job Description: Humanitarian, discreet: shall be explained upon the signing of an honor-bound contract.

Payment: 3000 Radiants for each. Payment shall only be received upon successful completion of job, and with valid signature upon the contract.

For details, please contact Sir Boetius Forehorn of Konungsriki
He can usually be found in the Storm's Landing Tavern at evening hours.

(9:00 pm - 1:00 am EST) (8:00 pm - 12:00 am CST)

Note: Only experts in the aforementioned practices are required. Amateurs, novices and the like will not be applicable for the job.



Guardian Of The Vibes
*Several posters such as this are posted around Storm's landing*

Expertise Needed:
Seeking Mind Magus and Priest or Priestess of Sallana
Job Description: Humanitarian, discreet: shall be explained upon the signing of an honor-bound contract.

Payment: 3000 Radiants for each. Payment shall only be received upon successful completion of job, and with valid signature upon the contract.

For details, please contact Sir Boetius Forehorn of Konungsriki
He can usually be found in the Storm's Landing Tavern at evening hours.
(9:00 pm - 1:00 am EST) (8:00 pm - 12:00 am CST)

Note: Only experts in the aforementioned practices are required. Amateurs, novices and the like will not be applicable for the job.


why does this font exist lol


Lord of Altera
TheDuples This is all in good fun just to let you know. We're all shitposters at heart, don't take us too seriously.