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Inactive Ansgar Anwell


Lord of Altera

Ansgar slowly alide from bed queitly they had spent a lovely time here in his city and he had cherished every moment of it. He chuckled softly as he looked over the sleeping form of akasha. She was so beautiful and so amazing of a woman strong fierce and yet soft and caring. She would get that grump face if she heard him say any of those words aloud though. He slowly got dressed and made his way down thier new home to the basment. Emtering the baths he proed the secret devoce as the wall slide open he walked down the path as it slide closed behind himself.

He ran his fingers threw his hair lightly as he walked he was very lucky to have met her to have had this chance to have a life with her. He wasnt the smartest at all at times though he did his very best tp make up for it as much as he could. The gods only knew why she put up with him when so many had not as he walked down the wooden path he sighed softly as he rembered his path.

Forst there was alison the forst woman pf his age he met, he had tried honestly he did more then once, he thought he saw the good in her buried deep down. Figuring he could bring it out of her. In return he wound up insilting the kanes bieng whipped for it bu his father. Sharing a kiss then pushed down a stair welll by her, then she spread he was holding her hostage. And got his cheek cut bgya man he refused to fight. She looked down upon him he figured seeing him of nothing of worth wanting her for onky her connections and position.

But he never did he had just saw that young woman alone in the world afraid and trying to find her way and alls he wanted was to be there for her and comfort her. He shook his head side to side that didnt pan out well like the others. The. There was evelyn he rembered meeting her just came back to life didnt know what to do or what is what. He chuckled softly as he ran his fingers over the dcar on his face.

They had beat eacother sensless in that duel and he had burned a bridge with nwalme in a roaring way. He seemed to have a atteaction to woman that he thought were in need he mulled. Then there was nia ah nia he had mer her in rise port the two got together amazingly well. And held a afair for the longest time they were like fir and fasoline always seeming to part violently then coming back together brilliantly.

He had tried after she left him trying to find someone to court he had tried nylariis youngest but she went off the handle when he had asked her to a ball. Just seemed he had ill luck in dealing with woman till he met akasha.

He waled up the hidden stair case and into the forge there were others of course but the only ladted a little while. Odette,az,and ecen that moore doctor at one point those were mostly diring his troubled times when he drank heavily.

He smiled as he put on the smithing apron as he lit the forge the fire roaring to life infront of him he grabbed a small hammer and put a piece of metal into it toill it glowed pulling it out he began to work the metal letting his feelings take the shape of the bar.

Love was not something that hated or grew jealous and killed for love was eternal and in a way he loved each of the woman in his past he cared for them in diffrent ways. They each would have a small piece of his love and caring and tenderness for looking after them. Because without the, without the interactions he had he would have never have grown and advnaced in his life and mind. Each imparted their own mark upon him and led to him meeting akasha and for that he owed them much.

He chuckles soly as he put the bar back inaide the forge reheating it again before it grew ro cold. He pulled it out once red again and continued his work the one woman he owed more then all in life was nylarii though she saved him when others forgot him left him to die that day and he no matter nwalmes feelings or insults would alway look kindly to the furvurs for that.

He plunged the metal into the coling vat as team billowed ip removing it he placed the end in the anvil and snapped the end of the bar clean. Taking it over to the bench it was in the shape of a chisel. Takign a smal box out which held a ornate smithing hammer and various other completed tools he began to work on the chiself engraving it very slowyl and painstakinly for the lines and inages he would make into the handle.

He smield as he did so yes he had a rough life and love life but it made him who he is a man whoe dollowed his heart and spoke the teuth. While others looked down him for his tupidity and acting how he saw fit he wouldnt let that bother him anymore. As long as he ahd her he was happy this gift he was working on. Would testify to that.



Lord of Altera
Ansgar stepped off the boat gingerly it had been a long voyage as usual and the news of his city in such uproar sent shiver down his spine running a hand threw his face he smiled softly as he motioned the guards and made his way to the castle. Making his way threw the gates he started to lay out orders to everyone on how things should be prepared. He sighed heavily as night began to fall looking out from the balcony on high from his quarters, the air whisking along him as he closed his eyes. He was going to miss it all honestly but he would remember all the good time. He turned as a servant told him things were ready walking down stairs to the balcony below near the council chambers.

As he crested looking down at all those gathered below the castle's courtyard was packed to the brim with nobles and peasants alike each one had come to hear what he had to say a promise of what they wanted Ansgar raised a hand as the talking grew to a quiet roll to a void.

“Welcome brothers and sisters of Slyannen I hear you all took up arms against me because you think me unfit to rule, and that my younger brother is in the north someplace and wish to have him replace me. I cannot fault you for this i have not been the best leader or ruler in these times, so I will be stepping down from my city and retiring to the isles.” he said loud and booming the crowd roared and cheered deafeningly at the news he smiled softly before speaking as he watched the gat slowly slide down behind them closing them all inside the courtyard.

“But I cannot look past the fact that you all took open arms and rebellion inside the city a act by itself is punishable by death. Nor am I to hand over my city to my brother to be used by those that might take advantage of his youth and lack of training.” he said resoundingly as people began to murmur the guards on the walls began to crack open barrels and toss them down into the crowd crashing amongst them the black tar pooling outwards.

“For this I sentence you all to death by fire may the gods be the ones to judge your souls in the nether” he spat venomously as he cut with his hands archers lit their arrows and aimed into the crowd. As the loosed arrows slamming into men and woman and child alike the tar catching light as more and more barrels were thrown in. The fire spreading from person to person as smoke began to rise into the sky, Ansgar turned and walked down the stairs entering the throne room he took the crown from his head and hung it from the chair.

“May you find it more fitting then I brother and carry the house of Telarion and Ursae forward into the future once you're found” he patted the chair before walking out turning his back and heading for the docks the screams of the people behind him as the soldiers began their work.


Guardian Of The Vibes
Ansgar stepped off the boat gingerly it had been a long voyage as usual and the news of his city in such uproar sent shiver down his spine running a hand threw his face he smiled softly as he motioned the guards and made his way to the castle. Making his way threw the gates he started to lay out orders to everyone on how things should be prepared. He sighed heavily as night began to fall looking out from the balcony on high from his quarters, the air whisking along him as he closed his eyes. He was going to miss it all honestly but he would remember all the good time. He turned as a servant told him things were ready walking down stairs to the balcony below near the council chambers.

As he crested looking down at all those gathered below the castle's courtyard was packed to the brim with nobles and peasants alike each one had come to hear what he had to say a promise of what they wanted Ansgar raised a hand as the talking grew to a quiet roll to a void.

“Welcome brothers and sisters of Slyannen I hear you all took up arms against me because you think me unfit to rule, and that my younger brother is in the north someplace and wish to have him replace me. I cannot fault you for this i have not been the best leader or ruler in these times, so I will be stepping down from my city and retiring to the isles.” he said loud and booming the crowd roared and cheered deafeningly at the news he smiled softly before speaking as he watched the gat slowly slide down behind them closing them all inside the courtyard.

“But I cannot look past the fact that you all took open arms and rebellion inside the city a act by itself is punishable by death. Nor am I to hand over my city to my brother to be used by those that might take advantage of his youth and lack of training.” he said resoundingly as people began to murmur the guards on the walls began to crack open barrels and toss them down into the crowd crashing amongst them the black tar pooling outwards.

“For this I sentence you all to death by fire may the gods be the ones to judge your souls in the nether” he spat venomously as he cut with his hands archers lit their arrows and aimed into the crowd. As the loosed arrows slamming into men and woman and child alike the tar catching light as more and more barrels were thrown in. The fire spreading from person to person as smoke began to rise into the sky, Ansgar turned and walked down the stairs entering the throne room he took the crown from his head and hung it from the chair.

“May you find it more fitting then I brother and carry the house of Telarion and Ursae forward into the future once you're found” he patted the chair before walking out turning his back and heading for the docks the screams of the people behind him as the soldiers began their work.
im guessing this would be public knowledge quickly because casual genocide


Lord of Altera

As Ansgar made his way to the the docks he the air buzzed as people stepped out of their homes looking out at the rising smoke and the screams soldiers filled the streets linning the main fair ways and the dock lower ends, as more gathered. Ansgar looked at the captain nodding to him lightly as his icy blue eyes full of wrath and anger lingering with sadness at was about to happen sighing ansgar finally spoke to the captain firmly and resoundingly.

"Is everything ready and prepared all the families that took up arms and fought and supported identified and guaranteed with out a doubt?" he raised a brow the captain bowed his head to him

"Yes me lord all those that took part in riisng up were identified and located and we stand ready to do our part as per the law set down and forth" he spoke with equal measure of firmness

"Then begin" Ansgar said walking forward out onto the docks in full view of everyone as he mounted the last step the soldiers snapped to attention across the city perfectly timed as the turned as one facing the homes.

"On this day the act of rebellion and fomenting dissent and the use of arms against one another have been found guilty and sentenced to death." he spoke loud and clear reading from the scroll infront of him more soldiers flooded down in squads into the streets coming to a halt as squad leaders readied them.

"And according to this law and to make example so that no other should think of picking up arms in open rebellion and fighting against the lawful rule their property of the families be forefiet and be given to the law, their families sentenced to death to extinguish those that would think of rebellion in harsh lesson" he continued to speak loud and clear ringing across the square as soldiers moved into homes all around doors shattering as they stormed into them hauling out the families into the streets.

"They all shall be beheaded so that it will be as painless as possible and let no one forget this day and what it means to take up arms again. Signed and decreed as his last act his royal majesty Ansgar Anwell Telarion" He finished rolling it up as the first from the closest houses were brought up the wooden stage. The man forced to his knees and bent forward roughly as he begged for mercy and forgiveness Ansgar reached over and pulled free his sword and lined up carefully, before swinging the mans head coming away clean to bounce along the stage. He sighed as two men pulled the body away. It was going to be a long day and night for him as he would do each personally so that know other could be blamed for the act.

Well into the day with few breaks and into the night he finally finished wiping away his blade he looked over to the captain of the army and nodded to him "See that all the bodies are properly buried and taken care off included what of the remains inside the courtyard you are to take military charge of the city till my brother is found and he can take over. All the families lines that think of rebellion have been plucked and put to earth so they cannot do so against him. The belongins sold and the homes either epurposed for the goverment or resold to new families."Ansgar nodded to the man before setting off towards the boat to oversee last of the preparations for the journey back home.


Lord of Altera
and yes it will comeout after i come back from two weeks of training next month