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Herald Declaration of a Failed State


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff

The Inquisition of Saint Jacqueline, by the order of The Inheritor, issues a proclamation that spreads far and wide by messengers and heralds paid by the deep pockets of the noble House Ivanov.

The proclamation is thus:


It violates the following ordinances of The Five Universal Laws, as declared in the Black Book of the Inquisition:

THE FIRST LAW: A state shall have a mechanism by which agents of corruption and disorder are uprooted.
The verdict of The Inheritor is that this state has failed in this respect. Though it nominally has one, it serves only to further corruption.

THE SECOND LAW: A state must not allowed unprovoked murder, assault, or theft as a matter of course.
The verdict of The Inheritor is that this state has failed in this respect. It explicitly outlaws these things, but has no effective means of combating their rampant presence in the city, both on account of its corruption and its weakness.

THE THIRD LAW: A state must protect its members from violence and rampant disorder.
The verdict of The Inheritor is that this state is ambiguous in this respect. It has at times successfully done so, but only very rarely, and with much outside intervention.

THE FOURTH LAW: A state must enforce lawful contracts between its members.
The verdict of The Inheritor is that this state has failed in this respect. The state makes no claim to be a body capable of enforcing honest cooperation between its constituent members.

THE FIFTH LAW: A state must have its own laws, a means of enforcement, and punish those who violate those laws.
The verdict of The Inheritor is that this state has succeeded in this respect. The state has a reasonable code of law, and systems in place that theoretically are meant to enforce them by punishing criminals.

The Inquisition declares this land a place without jurisdiction, until such a time as all five of the Universal Laws are rectified in this land. The Inquisition will make all reasonable efforts to work with the failed state in reforming its interal organization until it is satisfied. The Inquisition declares that it shall, until such a time as the government is rectified, act in its place to subdue criminals and hold them accountable for their actions within this land in accordance with the Laws of Man in the Black Book.

The Inquisition invites all who consider themselves allies of the order to reach out to The Inheritor, or any Chapter Inquisitor, in order to volunteer themselves to aid in this endeavor. The Inquisition is prepared to accept any who feel the call of Order, and who wish to become temporary or permanent members of the organized effort to reform this failed state.