Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hamlet] Witches Brew - under construction


Loyal Servant of Altera
My name is Rastacain.You can call me Ras for short.My age is 64 (quite young for an elf). I am Male. My race is Wood Elf. My Height is 154cm.My Weight is Unknown. My Hair colour is brown and my eye colour is brown. My skin colour is orange/brown.I am usually seen wearing my lion skin and quiver with a lion head mask, that is, if you do ever see me as i am usually found in the trees. My strengths are that im a good miner and that i work well with metals and diamonds.My weaknesses and fears are any kind of fish, i cant stand the stuff!I am a keen black smith and like to work in the trees!


Sparkly purple member of the team
No fish. Got it.
I'll invite you to town next time we are both online.
Do explore Witches Brew at will. Rosa will probably give you a tour.


Lord of Altera
Dear Alaila,
How ya' been? It's Darko, you helped me out quite a bit in Uthrandir. I'm looking for some rehabilitation, and I know some very good people live there, and I need people like that to help me. I'm not taking up permanent residence, but I was hoping I could get a little room in the inn.
Looking to hearing back from you,


Sparkly purple member of the team
Dear Darko:

You can come and stay with us whenever you want.
Our rooms are free for everyone to use and I'll make sure there is freshly baked cake in the dining hall.



I think I might like it here
Dear Alaila,

You may not know me but, I might consider in the future moving here but not at this very point in time!


And Ninja that exploded :p


Sparkly purple member of the team
I'm still digesting the fact that you are a gnome. Like... the tiny creepy men in the garden.
Have you been watching Gnomeu and Juliet or something? :p


I think I might like it here
Name: Ninja_Kaboom
RP Name: George G
Role: I hope to be a farmer near the inn, I would hopefully supy food and sell the food at the mill attached to my farmhouse. My fields will surround my farm and the only way in will be down a path. I hope you will let me join. Just a quick question, when are you normally on, for me it vaires however my time is GMT.
Weaknesses: Hmmm, TNT... :S


George Gnome.


Sparkly purple member of the team
Have you visited Witches Brew?
Have you seen what it looks like?
Talk with the people that already live there, roleplay with them, see if your character fits in.
I have to be honest... i'm having some trouble with the whole gnome thing... and I see that in 4 months you have changed your character 4 times, starting with being a Big Foot.
I will have to roleplay with you a couple of times to make a decision.
Also, could you show me some examples of your work as builder?

I know i sound picky, and I'm sorry, but I don't want Witches Brew to be a big city with lots of people but lacking the RP quality. I need to be sure you can deliver that quality and that you won't build a house, hang around for two weeks and they move on to another town and another character.


I think I might like it here
I built the Skara_Brae church and lighthouse they are my two best builds, and yes I have visited the town, I love the lake with half lava and half water it brings originality to the town. I will do some rp today if i can and please tell me what is wrong with being a gnome? This will be my last rp character, as i have found the one i was looking for! :p I know I move alot but thats because one town changed and the others i just didnt fit in. :/