Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hamlet] Witches Brew - under construction


Sparkly purple member of the team
ok i finished it the whole thing read it if you want to i insist :]
Alright, done reading it.
As you know from reading the description, the staff lives at the inn. So at first at least you will not be able to build a house.
After a couple of weeks if you are a strong roleplayer you'll be able to build your own house.
I do this to stimulate role playing in the town and also because, to be hones, so far i don't have enough plots for everyone to have their own house.
I hope you understand.
If you are still interested I'll add you to town the next time we are both online. :)


Sparkly purple member of the team
you try downloading it and putting it on your desktop?
Yes, i have the download version but it still needs to log in to check if the account I'm using is a paid for, real account and to know what skin it should wear.
Sometimes it happens, I just need to wait a little, i guess.


I think I might like it here
yes some people are to lazy to buy the game so they browse youtube and google for a free *virus filled* versions


Sparkly purple member of the team
It must be a problem at
Maybe they want us to enjoy the weekend outside or something like that.. can you imagine? Outside? In the real world?


Sparkly purple member of the team
Unsure if town is a brew of witches..... or a misspelt witch's brew
It's a brew from the witches. Several witches. Brewing witches. That brew stuff that is completely witch-free. And a missing apostrophe at the end of witches because the town's list does not like them.