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Active ❂.:Irinei Veon, The Thorned Rosaceae:.❂




Irinei Orione Veon

Full Titles
Miss Irinei Veon

Irin/ Vee



Irinei is twenty one.

She is Female.


Social Status

Irinei does not exactly know, as she has not had to think about this much. She is unaware that she is actually bisexual.

She stands at 5’5.

Irinei is 133lbs.

She was born in Storms Landing, but spent the last few years in Queensport (moving there at eighteen) due to her need for a change.

Current Home
She had moved back to Storms Landing, before now residing at Blackstone.




Irinei is quite thin, with minimal curves. Her frame is slim and - evidently - not too much muscle is seen on her body, save for enough to support herself.

Her hair is a dark shade of brown, and in most lights will appear black. The length is to just below her chest, though she keeps it pushed or tied back most of the time. The texture of her hair is not too dry, but one would not go out of their way to say it was luscious and silky. She does not have the means to take care of her hair to this extra extent, but she gets by with her clean but average hair.

The female’s eyes are a deep shade of emerald/earth green that seem to be her most prominent feature upon her being.

{Face Claim does not have the same colour, hers are brown. But we shall ignore that.~}

She is pale in colour, with skin that never tans but flushes pink easily from heat, cold, pressure to the skin and other factors.

Identifying Marks
Irinei has a small birthmark resting on her collar, small and not too prominent, but certainly there.

Irinei is not exactly what most would consider a conventional beauty. Features wise, she has a soft chin and the tip of her nose is quite rounded, but most of her face is sharp and defined, her most prominent feature being her brows, which emote extremely well. She always seems to have them furrowed, raised, and rarely relaxes her expression. Her resting face is quite grumpy, actually.

Irinei’s clothing is not a wardrobe to be envious over, but she doesn’t mind much. She prefers comfort over expenses, and so she is usually seen in what would usually be considered a man’s style of clothing but fitted to suit her figure. She wears hunters material trousers that are form fitted to her legs, a farming shirt that she usually tucks into her hunters trousers – though she can often be seen with the fabric of the long shirt slightly unevenly tucked – which is of a light beige colour, and wears her green hunters jacket everywhere she goes as it provides warmth and comfort, and protection for her arms and torso. Finally, she can sometimes be seen with a red scarf around her neck, wrapped loosely.

Irinei does not know how to use weapons as of now, and so she owns none.

Prized Possessions
Irinei owns a small watch given to her by her brother.

Irinei is a relatively clean person, making sure she keeps herself washed. She does not like the mess of unkept hygiene, and so she tries to bathe an average amount.

Irinei’s voice is not too feminine, or masculine. She borders in the middle, with a smooth tone to her mid pitch. Her vocality is not scratchy when she speaks normally, though it is when she yells, shouts, or laughs. The sound of her laugh is extremely different to her personality, and is contagious, loud and bubbly when in full swing. It is a nice sound to hear from her. She does not do much of these however, and so it is quite a rarity to hear the cracks and wobbles in her voice. Her voice conveys her attitude, which is far from soft but not terribly fearful at all.




-She has an understanding for the value of money, and the need some have for success. She rarely judges, as she tries to keep herself financially stable.

-She is quite a witty woman, making smart comments here and there that some would find the attitude in, and others would find humour in.

-Under her snappy and often grumpy exterior, her motivations can change with the right people. When she meets the right individuals, her alignment can change from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good. She does try her very best to be liked by the people she deems necessary to her well being, whether that be socially or regarding her financial well being.

-Irinei has never feared being alone, as she knows it will never have to be permanent. However, she fears loss instead. The idea of losing someone against their will or because of things she may do - death, pain she has inflicted upon them, danger - makes her anxious and unnerved. It makes her dwell on certain aspects of herself that she would rather not view, and opens doors she would like to keep shut. She does not deal with these things often, but when they happen, she hits new lows.

-She has a fear of becoming unable to be independent. Irinei has grown up in the confines of her small family, but a family that let her grow into herself and become someone she chooses to be, whether they are proud of that or not. The idea of having that freedom of choosing her location, her decisions and her values stripped from her is something she does not accept.

-Irinei has a strange fear of children. Not so much a fear, more an uneasiness for the small creatures. “Too much excitement in that tiny body.” She has never felt maternal, though that may change in the future as she grows and gains relationships.

-The way Irinei holds herself is quite weak compared to some. A slouch when she is not thinking, her way of sitting leaning back in her chair and folding her arms, and less of a poised, ladylike demeanor makes her seem less noble. Which is true. She also has a few issues regarding the way she moves. When nervous, or really just not paying attention, stumbles and slip-ups are a likely occurrence.

-Her memory is terrible if she is not trying.

Irinei is not educated in much, reading, writing and cooking are three things she does quite well. However, she is a decently fast learner if she tries her best. Witt's wise, she is quite good at keeping up a chat or banter.

She only speaks common.

Irinei is now the assistant to Lord Forrest of the House of Hawklight.



Being brought up quite independent, Irinei has had to be forward when speaking to new faces, and has since learned how to be confident in her speech with strangers. However, she has quite a grumpy and irritated facade, snapping quite quickly and muttering rude words under her breath. All talk, no bite. She has never been ladylike, and does not intend to be unless needs be. She prefers rough company to gentle and kind.

“Where is the fun in dull conversation and hand kissing?”

However, Irinei’s lower surface is one that does not show often, but is quite loveable. She loses her way at times, but her intentions are usually true, and always are to the people she values most in her life. She would go out of her way to make sure they were safe, while complaining of all the work. She does not like to admit it - pride is a huge part of her personality - but she knows she is flawed, and she knows the people in her life can come and go quickly, making her more inclined to keep the special people around.

Religion or Cults
Irinei follows the Pantheon’s Divine’s overall, though her main loyalty lies in Jax, the Deity of fools, God of Merchants and Chance, Him of Luck.

Irinei is Chaotic Neutral as of usual, but with the right people or motives, can switch to Chaotic good.

Short Term Goals
-Start her combat training to gain the skills of defense,

-Gain new relationships and friendships within Blackstone and Storms Landing,

-Finish the customization of her new home in Blackstone.

Long Term Goals
-Be financially stable to her full extent,

-Get to experience new cultures that she - so far - has not explored,

-Grow into herself more, and become comfortable with her personality and responsibilities for herself.




Irinei could find any Tavern or library, and she would be extremely happy with her location. She does enjoy the small pathways and roads that wind around Storms Landing, though.

She likes to draw - though she is not an artist and only does so decently - as well as read, sing to herself, and drink. Drinking especially.

Irinei has quite the sweet tooth, enjoying baked goods a little too much.

As of recently, and due to members of the public buying her it, Absinthe has been a good choice. Ale has always been an easy choice for her, and is good to sit and drink with a book.

Irinei does not have a favourite, so to speak, but coal black and royal blue are lovely to look at for her.

Cats and butterflies are the first two on her list of favourite animals.

Least Favourite...

The sewers of any area, really, are places she stays well away from.

Irinei does not have a least favourite pastime, she is quite open to any means of entertainment to save her from boredom.

Lemon has a hatred in her heart, it’s sour taste makes her want to vomit.

Coffee is a disliked taste for her.

Irinei does not really have a least favourite colour, but if she had to pick, then bright pink is not her taste. It hurts the eye. Lighter pinks, and rose colours are fine.

She would usually respond with ‘children’, but her real dislike involving animals is cockroaches. Seeing one makes her quite frantic.







Her twin brother, Lemund Ommel Veon.

"You hold a place not only in my heart, but my soul. Stay there."
Irinei has always had a deep connection with her brother, the two were inseparable.

Her father, Theodore Kirbent Veon.

"I will not forget you after your leave, Father. You are my blood, and I know myself. I will often bleed."

She has a strong love for her father, a respect and admiration she will never forget. He has taught her many things of hard work, ones self respect, and shown her the first example in life of how to love unconditionally.


Carlos de la Fleur.
{ MrMine }

I await your writing, or your voice. I miss them so."
Carlos is the first instance that Irinei has had of a real attraction for a persons personality. She finds him company that she would rather not lose, and though she has a lot to figure out, she notices the impact he has on her usually snappy character.

Lord Forrest.

"This opportunity means more than you know, my Lord."

Being offered her new position as an assistant to Lord Forrest, she has put quite a bit of faith in the man, trying her best to improve her political skills and do what she can for him.

Sir Arthur.

I am here if...'allergies' start to act up."
Meeting him at a Tavern was her first instance of him, and instantly Irinei picked up the smiling, kind nature of the man. With his jolly laugh and perceptive gaze, she found herself happy with his company. Now, after knowing some of the issues he is facing, she has offered him a shoulder, should he ever need it.




"Well, the way to that mans heart must be food, though it is only soup and is - quite frankly - pointless. It will go right through him!"

Bliss and Irinei have spent some time at the Tavern in Storms Landing, and she studied the girl. She seems to be a sweet lady, with a soft heart and hands as good as gold. Irinei often wishes she could be the same, as Bliss' company is enjoyable and relaxing.


{ ForestRose }
"And what is your type, then, Cham?"
Irinei certainly has had a few laughs with Cham during their first introduction, perceiving the lady as strong willed, slightly stubborn and softhearted under her small but angry exterior.



Sir Tohm.

{ Tohm }
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir."
Irinei does not know much of the mans personality, though he seems to have a sarcasm about him when his serious nature is let down slightly, and this she respects much.



{ Baron2537 }

"One day, I will outdrink you, and you shall praise me. Just you wait, Sir."
Irinei has met the man once or twice, at the Tavern in Storms Landing. What she knows of him is that he - like her - finds himself lacking in stories, though listens to the ones of others, and has a strong hold for his drink - this of which, Irinei does not.


"Thank you, Sir!"
Irinei's most memorable instance of Thordil is when he abandoned a Sapphire ring in her hands, and after returning, told her she may keep it. Being a devoted Jax follower, Irinei was more than pleased with the token.

Prince Drake.

"Your Grace."
Irinei has a mighty amount of respect for the man, but his personality is rather unknown to her. He seems like a witty man, however.





Unsure of

Wary of

Afraid of

Raven Veiloros.
{ Ozzy }

"Please. She did not mean harm. Leave her be."

After the incident of meeting Raven, Irinei was unaware of his true nature, and took the small threats made to her tongue as frightening, but with no truth. Now, hearing that he is a dangerous man, she realises that she must stay...far from him.

Old bag Sonya.

"I'd prefer not to go on a trip with you, Sonya. In fact, I'd rather hang."
Irinei knew the woman as a child, and did not have too much in common with the lady. She liked to torment her, being the chaotic child she was.







Born in Storms Landing to a grieving man after their mother passed during childbirth, Irinei Veon grew up with two members of her family. Her father, Theodore Veon and her twin brother, Lemund Veon, in a small family home. She spent her days exploring the streets of Storms Landing with her brother, the two continuously running off to find what secrets the city held between the walls and pavement cracks. Hide and seek by the beach slums resulted in sandy hair and throats full of laughter. Gardens filled with roses and daisies, and lilac flowers, all owned by nobles, were chased through before the two were ever caught. The boats would come and go by the docks, and the children would run and wave off the passengers headed to new lands, laughing and tripping over their small shoes, with heads of dark brown hair bouncing with every leap and jump of their short legs.

Often, the one they would wave off was their father.

He was a Merchant, a Trader, and a heart in love with the sea. He would take his leave for small portions of time, Irinei and Lemund being taken care of by an old woman named Sonya. The woman barely spoke to the two, and that was the way the children liked it; free to roam every day and play in the cobblestone streets under the changing weather of Storms Landing.

Irinei was a child as grumpy then as she is now, with a burning curiosity for exploration and life, conflicting with her lazy nature of curling up by the fire or under her brothers arm. She was different to her brother in the sense that his polite and often submissive character would be the one stopping Irinei’s wild temper or chaotic ideas of fun from burning down the house, or stopping her small frame falling from trees, or preventing her terrible memory from getting lost among the buildings of the city, or anything that seemed to put her in a dangerous situation. That was her idea of fun.

The two grew this way, their father away on his trips, and his children learning to be independent and yet rely on one another. Irinei and Lemund had a bond unbreakable, and it was known by most.


“You really are silly, Irin.”

“Yes, and I will not be changing. Not for you, or for the old bag, Sonya-”


A fit of giggles from the two.

“-or for anyone.”

Lemund poked his sisters cheek as the two sat on the pier of the docks, their laughing subsiding slowly, the boats gone on their travels and the sky royal blue as the sun started to set. He studied her pale face - so much like his own - before his finger traced over the small freckles just under her eyes, near the sides of her head.

“Good. Don’t. You would not be you if you changed.”

Green eyes locked on the same shade in his face, the shared comfort in each other's eyes was warm and welcoming, pushing away the feeling of the cold evening.

A smile full of warmth shone from Irinei, taking her brothers finger in her small hand, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

The two were 10 years old.


Time passes, no matter how much we want it to stay framed in a few moments, and it did. Irinei and Lemund grew into teenagers, their bond still locked and strong. Their father was gone for longer on his trips, and the two had even more of the freedom they cherished so dearly.

Their father soon approached them at their age of 15, sitting them down to speak of his job. He admitted the proposal from his partners for a new opportunity, something he had been wishing for his entire life. It was too good to pass up, he explained. His worried stares lay on his children, and Irinei remembers feeling no bitterness, no hurt, no sadness. She was happy for her father. And looking to her brother Lemund, he seemed the same. The two gave their father smiles, and he took them in his arms, thanking them for their permissions. These were his only family, his two. Leaving them behind would be hell, but they seemed to agree it was best. Irinei and Lemund understood the importance of hard work in their family. He had worked for the success he was gaining, and with that came letting go.

So at 15, the two watched their father go from the docks, and made sure Sonya knew they would be handling themselves together, without her assistance.

The two seemed to work better the next few years with only them than with their father’s worries weighing in the back of their minds, and Irinei found herself with odd jobs, as did Lemund. They were doing better than either of them had expected.

But as the city got busier, and Lemund felt less at home in his quaint home, in the not so quaint Storms Landing, he decided he had to go.

Irinei and Lemund talked of his leave, at age 18. He explained his reasons for leaving - that he had spent years thinking through his decision, and that she felt like home as she always would, but the city did not anymore. And Irinei understood. Taking him in her arms, she reassured him that again, she felt no negative emotion towards his leave. He would be finding a place he’d call his home. He could start a family, search his skills, and make something of a small life he wished for.

Irinei wished for bigger things than small villages, and so she stayed in the place she had always called home while standing by the docks as she waved her brother off with last words spoken to her lonesome, a small smile upon her lips.


“Shall we meet again, by a circumstance of fate.”


Irinei let months pass, doing the same odd jobs, until she understood that it was time for a change. And so - as the last Veon decided to leave - Irinei stood on a boat three months after her brothers departure, and chose Queensport to be her next adventure. New paths to discover, more people to meet, more memories she knew she might forget, but never lose completely.

Storms landing went without the Veon daughter for three years, until Springrise, 2293, the season of frost. This was when her polished boot and earth green eyes welcomed Storms Landing again, where she knew she belonged. It was home, always had been, and always will be, despite her memory forgetting most of the streets and buildings. And once again, she knew what she was opening herself up to, and took it in her stride as she made her way down the docks she had sat at with a brother she could not forget.

New paths to follow, new people to meet, more memories she might forget, but never lose completely.



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