Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished <0> As Above, so Below | Part I


Legend of Altera
You reached the Sky
Not to take, but to plant a Star
So distant Now it is
Let them stargaze
Hoping, cursing
All the same for them -
Out of Reach,
Unlike for You.
It shines, but not as you
You blind them with the Glare
Declaring Hellish Reign.
So warm, so sultry
You set your Rule in motion
With a lasting, parting Kiss,
Heating up the frigid Star
To twinkle.
Twinkle, twinkle little star.
Small and frigid, out of picture.
Let them stargaze,
While You Prevail
For little twinkling is no match
For the blinding Dazzle
Of the All Consuming
Consummating Blaze.

| Continuation of the Poem redacted for Part II |
Empyrean Cabal

When: 10th of July,
Handled in Tickets
DMed by Solus
Last edited: