Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished <0> Fire and Darkness


Legend of Altera
Perpetual glow of Inferno is rather Unsettling,
But the tinging, waltzing embers enthrall in the air.
Carried away by the drafts of the Vapour,
They proclaim Thee Reign of Our Kind,
Away in the Lands of Destruction,
Where Peace shall be Found.
Under Empyrean gaze.
Thee Wisps of Smoke converge, and thicken,
Eminent is Thy immanence,
Imminent is Thy emanation,
In Thy Form.
Even Darkness of Night can't compete -
It's unrivaled in Blackness of Thou.
Rapture us in diffusing Eruption of Glow
That shall Bring Forth Thou
And Blind the Foe.
Empyrean Cabal

When: 10th of June,
11 am PST | 2 pm EST | 8 pm BST
DMed by Solus​
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