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100 Chibi Challenge [Complete]

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The Kingdom Crusher
Character name: Dav'id Engem
Details: I'm up for anything you've got in mind, however I had the idea of him in a defensive martial arts stance; much like boxing. His facial expression would probably be conflicted with a sense of anger and a sense of duty, and if he had to be protecting something, it'd probably be his home [cuz it's got his family in it]).
Link to profile: Here!
Music that fits:
(Mainly due to the tonal shift)

Theme: Defense (51)
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Lord of Altera

You've picked themes already taken, pick another? :D

I haven't edited the full list but I've noticed some people who are asking for pictures haven't RP'd in ages >_> come on.. these chibi's are only for active/regular rpers.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Character name: Nwalme Fuvur (with a number of titles or nicknames y'could use)
Details: I really have a bit of trouble describing how Nwalme can look both quite "dead/empty" but also the bitterness and sadness he tends to have in a sort of aura around himself. Most likely he would be standing in the background, unimposing, with a still, watchful gaze... also- in his priest robes he tends to look a bit fat simply because they're... thick. (S'sorry if they's too much details~!)
Link to profile: In the signature~!
Music that fits:
Theme: ... Honestly, go crazy with this if you wish. I read through them and realized that he could fit into pretty much any of the negative/sad ones. :C


Coffee Enthusiast

You've picked themes already taken, pick another? :D

I haven't edited the full list but I've noticed some people who are asking for pictures haven't RP'd in ages >_> come on.. these chibi's are only for active/regular rpers.
Bah, darnit. I was hoping I could get Solitude. :C To be honest, I really don't know if any others fit for Dayter. >.>


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Character name: Light Fuvur-Kav
His head is bowed slightly, looking at the ground with the sword in his right, pointing downwards at an angle. Two sheaths lie on his left hip, on for the broader sword in his hand and one for the skinnier court-sword. He should be faced so that mostly his left side is shown. Each band wrapping around his arms should be tied off at the back, with strings hanging down a little. Everything about him should almost say "I'm living rough", as in, he sleeps in trees and creeks and what have you, but not muddy. (If you get what I mean)
Link to profile: Not available yet, sadly. This is just a new character so it'll have to grow a little bit first. I, DO, however have a picture of exactly what he looks like. His clothing is light, made from hemp. It's also a light green colour. The stripes on the shoulders are a light brown colour. His belt being made from leather is a darker brown colour, with the buckle being a dull gold colour. Picture is found >here<

Here is a skin, made by @Michcat that is 10/10 amazeballs for Light.

Music that fits: >Rains of Castamere<, >I see Fire - Ed Sheeran< and >Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire<
Theme: In the Storm. 96

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Coffee Enthusiast
Hnnnggh. Count me out for now. :C No other themes I find fitting.
Unless 42 is open, don't feel as if it does Dayter justice though. :(
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