Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [21st July] {Moderate} A Festival for Jax


Events Staff
Very Sweet

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*Notices or simply by word of mouth, I'm not placing books and things.*

All are welcome to this grand festival, whether Jax is your chosen God or not, for it is a time of celebration and an excuse to get together and enjoy a time before we must focus on the next threat we face. A moment of relaxation with light hearted humour and good company shall keep us in high spirits and become a fond memory when times are less bright.
This festival is to be held in Sanardu, with copious amounts of alcohol from around the lands, fresh fruits and goods, and the company of fine dancers, hosted and paid for by House Fuvur.
Several vendors will be present for the chance to sell their own chosen goods, and in the spirit of Jax, a big old game of dice, inspired by that of Halbed some weeks ago.

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Currently expected to be
4:30PM EST !

Moderate. Public!

Ship via Spawn!

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OOC: Im tired and will probably edit this when I can. But, for now, here we go.

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
Tentatively setting it for 4:30PM EST, tomorrow. Short notice but it's just an excuse for a RP get-together and things probably. PM me if you want a stall set up or anything.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
This is today! In like 5 hours I think haha.

I'm going to be doing as Cymic_ did with the dice game - Here's current 'rounds'.

Money is OOC; items/property etc is IC of course. Money should be sent to Kurzik at the start of each round, I'll make a note of pot total/characters, then hand out the full pot of that round to the winner of the highest roll. We'll be using three IC dice of 7 (I know its not a standard 6, sue me), so the command is /roll 3d7 : )

Round One:
Five hundred radiants entry. {500}
Winner: The money pot, a golden coin, and a bottle of 'King's Reserve'.

Round Two:
One thousand radiants entry. {1000}
Winner: The money pot, a golden coin, and a commission for a small jewellery item from Light Fuvur.

Round Three:
Two thousand, five hundred entry. {2500}
Winner: The money pot, a golden coin, and a small pouch of gems.

Round Four:
Five thousand entry fee. {5000}
Winner: The money pot, a golden coin, a commission for a larger jewellery piece from Light Fuvur.

Final Round:
Ten thousand entry fee. {10,000}
Winner: The money pot, a golden coin, a small pouch of gems, a request of their choice with Light Fuvur regarding jewellery and craft, and a small property in Sanardu.
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
Gonna be a bit of a delay on this, have to go do some IRL and a few people were going to be later, so this is now 5:30PM EST - An hour late. Sorry!


Events Staff
Very Sweet
More or less starting now with the mountain of RP currently in the tavern there. Gambling won't start till a little bit into it. : )


Events Staff
Very Sweet
That was fun! Sorry if thigns werent very planned, I did not expect so many people. : )
May do smaller gambling kinda events eventually. Thanks for the turnout people!!!11


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
That was fun! Sorry if thigns werent very planned, I did not expect so many people. : )
May do smaller gambling kinda events eventually. Thanks for the turnout people!!!11
pls ban nwalme and cymic thx


Better than sliced bread
I was actually quite a bit busy OOC, and by laptop charger broke during the event and blah blah- I wish i could have immersed myself better. But it seemed like a really well put together event, and the enviornment was really well put together as well, in the sense it looked like what you'd expect of a party. I really cannot wait for the next event you host, they seemingly always turn out REALLY nice. Thanks for the event, Elz