Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A contest.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Hear ye, hear ye, blooded peasants!
I, Basil Brush Hawklight, issue a challenge to all the want-to-be assassins, murderers, arsonists and countless other so-called "evil" men and women of Altera a challenge. A simple challenge, honestly, a challenge to see who can collect the most victims. The victor shall gain the most prestigious title of "Tormentor of the Peasantry", which I currently hold. The challenge is, simply, to collect the most victims. By this I mean the person who is able to scorch, carve, engrave- what have you- his or her name into the most people. I personally recommend the cheek, but any body part will do. Like I said, the winner shall gain the most prestigious title of "Tormentor of the Peasantry". I wish you well, gentlemen... or blooded women, but I blooded doubt there'll be blooded many.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I'm yet to see a name in someone's face that I didn't put there myself, so.... Pretty much let this event die, I did.