Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To Be Resumed A Game of Letters


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Watno, pls i ned ur hlip.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I just want to be in the final two, I don't really care for points :p



The Mogul of Cromarcky
The first Game of Letters has ended. Your winner, in both cases of last man surviving as well as points received is:


Congratulations BLarg for a very impressive performance. A quick breakdown of the events were as follows:

First elimination goes to Megadonkey, who fulfilled his objective to have Man caught in Kavdam with catnip. However, Mega was lucky in that Man decided to open the package in Kavdam. Had he not, Mega would not have scored the elimination.

Second elimination goes to BLarg. Mega, feeling invincible from his first elimination, pursued his second target a little too obviously, and BLarg took notice. He correctly identified Mega as his assassin, and turned the tables on Mega, eliminating the donkey instead of getting eliminated himself.

Third elimination also goes to BLarg, as he tidied things up in port silver by completing his objective, which was to frame Valonyx to make it look as though he were stealing ale from the Sunk'n Norwegian. Val fell for the trap, and was eliminated.

The Fourth and final elimination once more goes to BLarg. His new assassin Cherry got a bit too hasty in her requests to BLarg, which gave BLard enough reason to accuse Cherry. The accusation was correct, and Cherry eliminated herself.

Unfortunately, We had two disqualifications at the end due to repeated inactivity. It is unfortunate to have to remove people from the game, but maybe they'll be more active next go around!

Once again, congratulations to everyone that participated, and a huge congrats to BLarg for his resounding win in the Game of Letters!

Ready for round two?

Everyone who missed this the first time, now is your chance!

Sign up below. Just state your willingness to participate.

Also, please note the following:

- I will only be taking eight players, max.

- Those who played last time will be asked to sit out if there is more than eight potential players.

- Please only sign up if you are willing to post at least once every 48 hours. You will be warned once, then removed from the game if you fail to do so.

- The game will start Friday afternoon (my time). You have till then to post you are signing up. I'll announce publicly who the players are on this thread. If you do not get in, you will be first in line in the next game, should you still want to play.

Now, who wants to play a Game of Letters?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... That was so fun. :p If there's any.. gaps in the roster for the next game, I am more than happy to play again~


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Got a decent number of people applying, this will be starting tomorrow.

If you haven't signed up yet you still have a solid 20 hours or so to do it, but be quick, as it is mostly first come first serve. Once I get eight players we are taking off.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Alright, here's the list as is so far:

Players confirmed to play that didn't play last time:

Characters confirmed that want to play but played last time:
Faelin (?)

Players that posted interest back during the first game, but haven't renewed interest yet:
general oglub

To those who previously posted interest, or to those who haven't posted yet, I will give you the next couple of hours to post your intention to play (essentially 3:30pm my time). The four new players will go ahead and be put in a convo wherein I'll explain the rules and players can ask questions till we are ready. When others post their intention to play they will be added until we have eight players or it becomes 3:30, at which point I'll include veteran players to fill the empty spots.

Last chance to sign up for this round! Get your post in quick! Don't be forced to wait another month before you get to play!