Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished A Gift for Mother


The Brainz
Retired Staff
"Mother is displeased with me. In order for our success I must give to her a gift. A sacrifice, in return she will place upon me and my followers, the power to escape certain death." - Roran Campion

+ Name of Deity:
+ Values/Ideals: She is the goddess of sacrifice, blood, the serpent and everlasting vitality.
+ Holy Symbol(s): Most commonly a snake wrapped around a dagger dripping blood.
A few examples: Blood Serpents.png Morsus.png
+ Holy Colours: Dark red and white
+ Motto/Modus Operandi: Death brings life
+ Alignment: Neutral Evil​

Priest/Priestess/Religious Leader: Roran Campion, leader of the Morsus Serpentium and the Blood Serpents.
Public or Private: Extremely private, no one will know but Roran and the sacrifice. And even the sacrifice doesn't know.
Temples or Shrines Involved: None, simply a sandy beach along a dense jungle. The body circled in redstone dust around him.

Time and Date: Sunday, March 1st. 5pm EST, 3pm MST >>Click here for your Timezome!<< (If it works for Mich)
OOC note: I accept all consequence in doing this event. This is an attempted summoning of Sermell by doing a sacrifice. Even if she does not appear Roran will believe his gift was accepted. Yes I believe nothing much will likely happen but who knows?

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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
oh man I am late so late-

This is a non-pantheon deity right? If so, I have a convo I need to send you ahhahaah oops


The Brainz
Retired Staff
oh man I am late so late-

This is a non-pantheon deity right? If so, I have a convo I need to send you ahhahaah oops
It is kinda. More of a heretical version of one of the current deties.
Also it can be pushed back if needed-