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A Journal of Ado Cecil


The wrong.
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Sunbright 25th
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I never really thought I'd miss this place much. The barracks in the mountain are always a bit too cold and damp for my liking, and I swear you can hear the wind howling through the caverns at all hours of the day.
All the same, the one thing I was told when I came here has proved to be true: the folk here treat each other like family, and I've been glad to be a part of something bigger than myself. When I read my name on the list to sail south, I didn't believe it, I almost went to ask to stay! Well not really, but the thought crossed my mind.
People talk, though ... some are saying we'll all be leaving here before long, all being put on the front lines and abandoning the town to its fate. I've still got hope, though. I saw the aftermath of a group that helped out a few days back, and while there were plenty of burns on folks afterwards, these invaders didn't even come close.
Either way, it's not like it's up to me, now. Back to the city I go, hopefully I remember to say hi to my parents while I'm their corner of the world. Maybe this is all a blessing in disguise, a chance to finally go out and prove myself a hero. We'll just have to see.
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The wrong.
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Sunbright 26th
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I can't say I slept great last night. A walk helped, the fresh air and view from the top of the mount over the water is one I know I'll miss. I even spotted Branchy wandering about on the sands ... I'll have to take it as a sign of fortune.
The ocean still doesn't agree with me much, thank the gods I ate a light breakfast. Leaving at dawn, we pulled into the city by noon. Compared to the countryside, the amount of people swarming about is almost asphi- aspix ... choking. It is nice to be in your old stomping ground all the same, even if so much has changed since I was gone. The old barracks are replaced with a stone tower now, with so many guards! It's like walking about in a hive ... I guess that's what defending a Kingdom gets you.
I ran into Eléa in the halls, a lieutenant now! Apparently when the last lady went off to head up the new garrison in Candlewood, she eeked her way in. Can't say I'm not jealous, but 'head of investigations' isn't really the kind of work I think I'd find interesting.
We went out for drinks after, and it was like the last decade hadn't happened, slipping back into old habits. Here's hoping the hangover isn't too bad tomorrow, I've got lessons on how to work a mounted scorpion.


The wrong.
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Sunbright 27th
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The one thing I definitely didn't miss about the city was the early mornings. Even Ava, as strict as she was, never made us get up so long before dawn ... then again we live in uncertain times, so maybe I shouldn't complain. Scorpions are absolute pieces of horse shite to work with, managed to get my finger caught in the mechanism twice in practice (whoops). I'll make sure to parade the cuts as my trinkets of 'battle' though, maybe it'll earn me a round at the tavern!
Considering all the talk about limited supplies, can't complain much about the food. Met with a few others at breakfast, made fast friends with some transfers in from Keg's Hearth - us out-of-towners have at least that in common, right? A good group, though I'd say they're a bit naïve; that's the Hearth for you.
We were told to suit up in our best dress and lined the atrium in the hall by noon. I finally met her: Captain Zelphar. An imposing figure, but I think I prefer her cold professionalism over the strange eagerness-to-please that Adreon had when I was last on post here. Five coffins were laid out, covered in the blue and white banners. It took me longer than I care to admit to realize they were members of the Landsguard, apparently brought in by a group that came from near the Gateway. Rumours say an ambush got them, not giving them much of a chance to get out.
The captain gave a rousing speech, though I'll be honest I couldn't pay attention much. My gaze was wandering the vast room, looking at the faces around me; suddenly all this doesn't feel so much like an abundance of caution, but setting out on the warpath. I've seen combat, plenty of it - probably more than most of the people in this hall, if I'm honest. War, though, well, that's something else.
Rest of the day was a blur, but I should grab some sleep, it's another early morning tomorrow.
( Jazzper )


The wrong.
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Sunbright 28th
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Today was mostly close quarters practice. Can't say the last time I had to use a dagger, but probably good to freshen up all the same. Collins, one of the friends I made yesterday from the Hearth, was having a rough time ... first had rust on his dagger, and then had to stay behind for extra lessons with the Captain. Personally, I'm surprised he's still standing.
When he came back though, he was raving all about how he had met them, the Realmsguard. I guess they were meeting to discuss plans or something; either way, I didn't see the big deal. I told him I'd be far more excited to meet the one of the Rangers in the flesh ... now there's some heroic tales.
One thing led to another, and well, before long before the group of us at lunch were in a pitched battle over which would win in a fight. They said the Realmsguard rode on dragons into battle, but, I mean, aside from that obviously not being true, it doesn't even matter. The Rangers can hide out in forests, take out targets from half a town away, and have probably ten times the experience. Dragons or no, any Jaxite'll tell you to bet on the ones who 'walk in wisdom'.
Tomorrow's my first rotation on the wall ... here's hoping the Realmsguard didn't hear me trash-talking them, or it'll be a looooong day.
( Somnastra mageaegis TagTeamChampion AzureKnights Jazzper + others but not going to tag everyone)


The wrong.
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Sunbright 29th
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Something strange is brewing in the air, I can practically smell it. It hasn't taken me long to get used to the city again, but already there seems to be an odd tension in the air, mainly between the guards up in the palace under Adreon. A group of them came in looking for some guardsmen at breakfast, and by the Gods they looked pissed off.
Thankfully I was sitting with Eléa, and she sent them packing before long, probably avoiding a fight. I can't help but wonder what all of it was about.
After that great morning, I had my first shift on the wall, standing by the Scorpion. It was quiet, and incredibly boring. At least, that was, until the Realmsguard came out of their camp and were doing some sparring practice. I swear the halfling among them kicked the half-spawn in the groin, right infront of the Capt too! Some heroes, huh.
I went down after my shift to see the map etched in the floor of the guard-house. I'll admit it, my stomach sank some when I realized how much land was marked off as held by the demonic invasion. Each day I see that line come closer to here, I think my stomach'll sink a little deeper. At least in Eisenheim I could live in ignorance.
One day at a time, right? That's what I'll keep telling myself, at least.


The wrong.
•° ══════════╗
Sunbright 30th
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A few words are written and then scratched out.

•° ══════════╗
Sunbright 31st
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I struggled to find words to write yesterday, not that the day wasn't exciting, exactly, but I just felt ... out of sorts, really. The last of the Landsguard patrols have been recalled to our lines, and the hall has been pretty quiet at all meals since. They've seen what we're up against, and I'll admit it, their words managed to get to something in me, and a lot of people.
Eléa had to skip out from our group at breakfast, and she didn't seem in a great mood after spending nearly two hours in Zelphar's office. I'm not sure if all this anticipation of battle is getting to me, but I can't shake the feeling that something is just ... off. The official service for those lost in Candlewood was held in the Cathedral today, and neither of the two were there.
Collins had a heart to heart with me a few hours ago over drinks at the Tart; he's got his doubts, says he's considering getting on a wagon and riding south if all this death keeps up. Were this Eisenheim, he'd probably get his teeth knocked out for talk like that, but I guess I can get it under the circumstances. Everyone's scared, even if they won't admit it.
I'll put in a few prayers for a miracle tonight, maybe it'll do us some good.


The wrong.
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Mistset 1st
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Back to see the nurse in the hospital again, though I swear, not from a tavern brawl. There was a big rush to read the posted news from Storm's Landing, and I managed to catch an elbow to the eye. So far I'd say my heroism is really showing. The atmosphere in the hall was better today, though, when we heard the news. So many expected that the Landing would fall, and so to hear that hundreds of the bastards had been slain? I think it just about made all of our mornings a bit brighter.
Zelphar's still missing, apparently on some sort of special assignment in the Landing if rumours are to be believed.
The entry seems to be unfinished, tacked onto later.
Collins woke me up an hour ago, I guess he just got off shift. News in from the Landing again, though sadly it seems our course of good luck has run out; the forward camp at the Adventurer's Guild has been destroyed. They don't know the total losses yet, but Adelhard's among them. Just over a week ago I was sharing a drink with him back in Eisenheim, he was wishing me well on my posting in the city.
Words don't really come easy with all this. I've lost a mentor, a friend, a battle-brother. Not sure how I'm going to pick myself up from this one, but as the guard motto says ... live to fight another day. I know the Lady will judge him fairly, and I guess we just keep moving.


The wrong.
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Mistset 8th
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I don't think I'll ever forget today, not really. The bluntness of it all will probably fade, but I know something about it will stick with me. The war drums, the fog ... watching the towers explode into fire and shards of wood one by one. I heard so much shouting, it all just- blended together after a while. Shouting behind me, the shouting of demons ahead of me- fallen brothers to my sides, and the cries of guardsman charging forth as they burst through our lines.
I thought we were being played with, it seemed in the moment that we were just like ants to these demons, something to keep them entertained while they sit around in hell. I can't say I blame those who ran, and even now, in the hall, I'm not sure if this victory really has given people the hope they needed.
Heh, victory.
It was a costly one, and that's putting it lightly. I should be dead too- that halfspawn from the Realmsguard changed my fate this day- pulled us off the tower before it was hit, had us aid our fallen in keeping the battle going elsewhere. I saw the determination in his eyes, and it steeled something within me. I will likely never see that man again, but I do know if he ever called for my aid, I'd be there.
The day was won, but the rift remains. I hope the Gods haven't abandoned us yet.