Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A new start


Lord of Altera
I have recently met a man that promised me a new life from the drudgery of what I currently live. A way of putting down my sword and going for a more peaceful life. He has offered me a workmen's position on an island known as Astrum.
I will leave at first light and travel there, I can only hope it offers me the solace that I seek.

- Signed, Tutore Ploaie

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Lord of Altera
The farm so far has proven to be hard work, the old war wounds on my hands are creeping back through as I reap the land. However my mind is at ease, and the people friendly. They tell me there is a lot of money to be made in the farming of this land, perhaps it's time I started saving for something.
Until then, I have also found myself a little getaway for lost souls in the wild, a place I called Birchwood. I will tame the land around it, make it a shelter to the lost. I pray only that brigands will not lay upon it like a cancer..



Lord of Altera
While the foundations of my farming home are built, I can only think back to trying to survive the harsh nights of the Sorrows. Enemies from every corner, from every shadow.

This new start for me and my son shall be good though, the earth here is rich and the harvest at this point is bountiful, perhaps I'll start growing potatoes next.
