Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A priest with a secret


Loyal Servant of Altera
chapter 1
Conan was sat at his table, gazing at the nearby mountains. He saw the clouds at the top, showing the sheer hight of the mountains. Yet he was stuck here in a small village with nothing to do. He lived a peaceful life, nothing exiting happened. It seemed he was sat there everyday, dreaming, dreaming of a life of adventure.

He had an idea. He was going to go exploring! he grabbed his coat and snuck to the door. He nearly cried at the thought of never seeing his mum again but he knew crying would give him away. He slwoly opened the door struggling not to let it creak. But he had to say goodbye to his good friend Taor, He grabbed some pen and paper from his coat pocket and wrote a goodbye letter to his good friend.

Dear Taor
Me and you have been good friends for many years, you were the only thing that stopped me from running away before. But this time nothing can stop me, as i am writing this i can hear nature calling me. I have a feeling that we may cross paths again, and even still be as good friends as we are now. Ha ha who am I kidding, we'll always be good friends. I know that it may sadden you that we may not meet again, but I hope you have it in your heart not to hate me. I will always feel guilt about this buti feel it has to be done.
Goodbye Friend
Yours Sincerly
Conan Sharpe

He placed the letter outside Taors door, held back his tears and headed towards the mountains.