Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Aaron Sherman- Server application [Declined - NiNi]

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Loyal Servant of Altera
1) What is your Minecraft username?

My username is acsherman.

2) How old are you?

I am a 17 year old man-child
3) Where are you?

Illinois, USA
4) Have you read our guides yet?
5) Introduce yourself! (Minimum 5 sentences please!)

I'm from the USA. I like to have fun, grind mobs for xp and help newer players with anything they need. I don't like to take a leadership role in servers, instead I like to sit with them and help them build their grand castle, or craft their first suit of armor. I hold no truck with griefing or harassment of other players. I like to tease others, but if they ask me to stop, I'll apologize immediately and stop, the end.
6) Got any examples of your work?

I'm not a big builder, sorry. I used to admin a server, and I can follow instructions well, but I'm not very creative.

About your character

Name: Fezik

Age: Ancient. He doesn't really know anymore.

Race: Skeleton

Appearance: Skeletal, with a perpetual smile and a nice pinstripe suit.


Lord of Altera


Lord of Altera
Can I add something here?

The application format is actually the correct format, it was updated last week by Sally, the only things that are missing are the test (basically the #6 of the previous format), and one more sentence at #5.

I agree with you on the character though.

As stated on the current format, the application should be denied for the lack of the test.
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