Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Abbey Mirabelle Oceana - The Mermaid Queen's Tail

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
abbeyvie said:
Yes.. Otherwise I can't check for grammar/spelling mistakes, and sometimes I ramble on about the same thing.
Yeah, the threads don't have spell check installed, but I trust myself, I should spot mistakes when I read through it :3


Lord of Altera
(Attempt Drawing Fail.)​
Nimue’s sun-kissed hair was in tangles and dark circles could be seen underneath her eyes. She looks as if she hadn’t slept for days. Gazing into her eyes, emotions of worry radiated off her. Her turquoise eyes scanned my figure, pausing for brief moments at my bruises and cuts. With each wound she paused at, emotions of anger, pity, and revenge flicked off of her eyes. I estimated I was missing for at least a fortnight, but I don’t know how long I was unconscious. Knowing my sister, she would scold me first, and then seek revenge. Thinking back to what had gotten me into this mess, I wonder how the little girl is holding up. The little girl who I had felt pity for. My compassion is what caused my suffering.​
“Abbey,” Nimue growls, “it is time to go home.” I nodded and retreated to my younger sibling. Finally I would return home to the beautiful underwater cities, ruling beside my sister. Nimue is the queen of merfolk. Although I’m the eldest female, I chose to step down. I don’t take leadership roles very well. I rather am treated like the elder, for that is the job of queens who have passed on their crown. The elder role must always be fulfilled and it is typical for the crown to be passed on when the recent elder dies. Our mother, who was queen just before Nimue, disappeared when we were fairly young. Mother disappeared along side with our grandmother; their bodies were found a few weeks later. Mother had died of an illness during the weeks being captured, while Grandmother was tied to rocks left to burn under the sun.​
I felt the stinging of a hand across my face. “Abbey,” Nimue whispers, “Say something.”​
Nimue slapped my face again. “How you could you be so foolish, sister?!” Nimue yells. “Now all the mortals know of our existence! The pirates have launched their boats in the sea, searching for us, merfolk. They know of us, all because of you saving a little human girl,’ she spat.​
“I’m sorry, sister,” I whimper quietly. Although I apologized, I do not feel the slightest bit sorry. Rescuing a child from a near death experience should not be seen as foolish, but as a heroic deed. The humans trying to capture the mer are irrational. They need to realize that we, the sea folk, live in Altera too. We are creatures of the sea, who run a realm much similar to those with feet. Why should one be blind from the other? “Wait,” I say more confidently, “I’m not sorry.”​
“What?” Nimue’s eyes revealed the emotion of pure confusion.​
“Nimue, I think it is time for us to shine some light for the landlubbers.” And on that note I swam towards the land as fast as my flippers would go.​


Lord of Altera
I could have a go at drawing that if you want? :3
It's okay now. I think my image was fine. :D Thanks though.
I'm debating whether I should just finish up the past with just the next part, then move on to present writing The first thing in the present writing would be the blood tide from my P.O.V. Would you rather I have more background before I move the the bloodtide.. or would you like me to move on? Just a heads-up, Itzzaboy's story included me going missing, while bewpy's included Sallana. Mine will be featuring Kilrox, and why the bloodtide occured using the writing of my piece which is going to be in the lore.

Would you rather I
have more background?
Move on?


Lord of Altera
Nope :) the past was from about six years before. This part leads up to ***************** and ********.

Secret.. :p

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Gibbles98 said:
Yesh but he onwy likesh and never commentsh he shud like ANNDD commentsh.

Oh, and here's a poem for you aswell.
Roses are red.
Violets are duck.
This poem makes no sense.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know your there death
And I'm coming for you
- The Living Ghost
(btw that was a like and a comment!)