Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Abyssal] Kaladin

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera
Character Name: Kaladin
Race: Human
Type: Abyssal
Dealer: Dranoden
Purpose: To meet his signed contract dues
Appearance: Horns have sprouted upon his head in the form of small nubs.
Pupils have shifted into hues of black
Purple veins have begun to show upon his body

Log: 4/3/2023 - Became Abyssal

Abyssal + Infernal
Those that are Abyssal have achieved a closer attunement with their patrons, furthur than the surface reaches of an Infernal might. The Abyssal is considered a higher tier of Fiendish, but does not have the abilities the Infernal have, including dark vision, mimicry, etc. The difference between the two is that those that are Abyssal are better at controlling their emotions. Some are even able to suppress their influence so that it becomes miniscule. However, those Abyssal can taint objects and turn Infernal themselves if they choose to. They can then consider themselves [Abyssal + Infernal] or "Abyssal & Infernal at Heart". During the act of making a Contract, they can also gain the additional Infernal trait as part of their bargain. They will then carry all abilities the Infernal have. The lesser Fiend cannot be unbound unless the Abyssal is severed from their contract or has died and revived, in which they return to being just Abyssal .