Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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accplecation for MRYOLO12 [Declined - Somnastra]


About you
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?


2) How old are you?


3) Where are you?


4) Have you read our guides yet?

Yes i have

5) Introduce yourself!

Some examples of things to tell us:
> About your education/work: i'm a builder.
> What is your favourite part of your job or study?: i build in minecraft what ever i'm doing.
> hobbies and other games you play: assassin's creed and call of duty.
> What kind of games do you enjoy the most? : Building
> Why?: because i'm a builder and it's what i do and i love building because when i ask people to look at my work and they say it's good a have a happy feeling

6) Got any examples of your work?

i'm sorry but i dont

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?

Yes i love this world

8) Referrer: (Optional)
Nobody has

About your character

Droart Emy






Have my own skin


It was a stormy night when I woke up feeling like a complete fool because I looked out the window and saw a lightning bolt and a house on fire so I got up and started writing a book for my son called a new war because I remember my adoptive father read me stories about a war but I didn’t believe them, I was writing for hours when my son came home, his name was Tim the person I was writing the book for.

“Hi dad” he said in the nicest way possible “what you doing?” “I’m writing a new book son” I said thinking to myself: what has he done now? “Cool” he said because he reads all the books I make “go to bed its 5:00 am” I replied “night” “good night son.”

It was the next day, got up, ran a mile with the guards, and hit the bar. Even though I’m not a whiskey person I bought some, everyone’s so polite and I wish I knew why because I got a full glass of whiskey, I drank it and as I did so a guy was staring through the window and then I realised it was my son probably hiding from the bullies or somebody.

He came in rushing and asking us to leave the city, “why” I said “there coming for me” he said hyperventilating “why” I said getting more concerned for his well-being. “WHAT DID YOU DO” I shouted now knowing that the whole bar could hear it, the guards came in and asked for Tim.

As they took him out of the bar he screamed so loud as I followed I found out he accidently broke a guy’s leg during a hit and run and he had to defend himself, as he chose out the culprits he was scared that when they came out they would try and find him so they could kill him but they actually got a warning in their name so if they do it again they don’t.

Tim was so happy he was jumping up and down all day thinking what now, what will I do now, I put people in a warning state, what now, so he joined the guards, so after that I was alone by myself thinking when will my torcher end of losing people beloved people like my family.

So what I thought was that I would move to a new place start a new life and be the best person I could be

Daniel Emy 16/4/1978\


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I have two questions.

1) Did you contact any staff since we had that discussion on my profile page? Profile posts count.

2) Is your name Daniel Emy?


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
So, besides the fact that the style of the test is suspiciously dissimilar to the rest of your application, I specifically said to you that you were not to pester any staff in the interim. I am a member of staff, despite some evidence to the contrary.

The fact that you weren't able to follow those simple instructions is deeply concerning. Staff generally have a lot on their plate, and even lighthearted banter can be distracting. We don't want to discourage all chatting, but you were specifically told not to until you had made an application.

On the basis of what I've just said, what do you think?


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I'm going to have to decline it due to the fact that you were unable to follow instructions. I'm very sorry.