Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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actronan application - [Declined - Mikipowah]

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Settling in Altera
1. What is your minecraft username? actronan.
2. How old are you? 15 years old playing minecraft for 1.5.
3. What gender are you? i am a male.
4. What country do you live in? i live in the united states.

5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server? i have read it and am perfectly ready to take up the challenge of survival
5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to knowpage before asking any questions in the game? i rarely ever ask questions but if i have to i always read the information given to me first
6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction. my name is Actronan Callarum i was born to what seemed to be a simple family my father the owner of the only store in my little village and part of the local mining guild my mother a simple women who spent most of her time at home or working in her garden as i grew older my father forced me into working in the shop so he could dedicate more time to the guild and make the business more productive so i worked for many years with no issue until one day when my father called me down into the basement of the store where i had been forbidden to entire until I was ready to join the guild he told me that there was a secret of our village that i needed to know about so he showed me into a room hidden behind large storage crates and behind the the door i saw tons of battle armaments i figured they where starting to have trouble with strange things in the mines but then my father told me that they where planning an invasion against the neighboring villages to take control reign over the lands as the dominant force growing up there i never though such a thing could come from my village we had seemed so peaceful i couldn't live with those decisions that my father was taking so i ran home to speak with my mother but she to was involved in the plans as well her role was to use the food she had been planting over all the years and implant poison into them and sell them around to kill off most of the other villages soldiers i couldn't believe what i once thought to be a village of good loving people was really an invasion force trying to take over the lands i could no longer live there among those villain's i once knew as my friends and family so i devised a plan and set out on an adventure to warn all of the other villages of my villages treachery and imminent attack and although i was sincere in my message no one seemed to listen to me i traveled to every village but they all blew off my warning and told me i was worrying about nothing i came upon the last village in the lands knowing that they probably wont even listen to my warning but i had to try so i walked up to the front gates and noticed a smell of smoke i figured it was just something normal in the village so i payed no attention to it and started wandering around but no one was around i started to wonder what was going on when i came upon a single piece of paper nailed to a post right in the middle of the street i figured if it was in a public place no one would be mad if i read it but when i did i didnt think the message would bother me at all but in fact it did it was especially for me from my father he knew what i was doing and he planned to put a stop to my treachery and since i had betrayed his trust i had to pay the price the price this village payed then i finaly realized that i was in real danger and that i hadnt thought my plan through long enough and i knew if i didnt want to die i had to learn how to survive on my own and stay alive in case my father ever found me i spent many months traveling through the wilderness avoiding any civilization that could be easily found by my father and his army i tried to survive on my own in the wilderness but i couldnt not with the knowledge i had so i decided that i had to learn how to survive from someone so i set out to find a master of survival i spent many days exploring until i came upon a small shack hidden amongst the trees and my ability to think things through completely failed me yet again as i walked right up to the door and knocked on the hard wood and in three seconds i was hanging upside down over a large hole with a sword on the tip of my throat if i wasnt so amazed in the skills in which i had been trapped i would have feared for my life so i begged the man to help me learn to survive as he did for i was in danger of being killed by my own people the strange man took his sword away from my throat and cut the line i was hanging from hitting the ground i groaned out in slight pain and surprise when i finally sat up i noticed the man was walking away i had no clue what i was getting into but i knew he could teach me what i needed to know so i followed him back to his hut but before i was able to walk into the door he blocked my path and pointed out towards an animal in the distance not saying a word he walked back into the hut and closed the door in my face i had no clue what he wanted me to do but i figured it had something to do with the animal so i walked over to it and sat down next to it trying to figure out what i needed to do with it i sat there for hours waiting for a revelation to what i was supposed to do after the long hours i became hungry and needed to eat but i had depleted my food shortly before finding the hut so i had to find some more then i realized animals mean food i hoped i didnt mess this test up for if i did i doubt the old man would be happy with me so i killed the animal and took it back to the hut i found the door open so i walked in dragging the animal right along with me i saw the man sitting in a chair and being pleased with myself i held the animal up in the air and smiled at the old man but all he did was sit there in his chair i figured it had to be another test from him at the time i didnt know what it was i asked him what he wanted me to do but he just sat there not moving not giving any expression what so ever i figured if he wasnt going to tell me then i was going to go and cook the meat i had gathered to end my hunger while getting the materials i needed i noticed that a plate had appeared out of nowhere i was slightly weirded out at the moment but went on with cooking because my want to eat over ran all my questions i wanted to ask after finishing cooking i remembered the mysterious plate i decided i would put some food on it and take it out to the man to see if it would help my chances of working with him i set the plate on his lap then sat on the floor and ate my food waiting for the man to say something to mean but instead he just ate his food stood up and walked down a hall filled with doors i decided to follow him to see what he was doing he stopped shortly and opened a door then walked on down to the end of the hall into another door and closed it behind him i decided to walk into the room he had opened because he seemed to have been fine with me walking into his house at the last open door when i went in i saw it was a slightly furnished room just a bed and a place to store my stuff i decided to sleep because it had been a long time since i slept in a bed waking up the next morning i found the chest at the foot of my bed open and inside was an ax that hadnt been there when i went to bed last night i decided to take it and go ask the old man where it came from i found him again sitting in a chair but this time the chair had been moved next to a little pit in the floor i asked him why the ax was in my room but he said nothing to me he didnt even move just sat there staring at the pit only after a few moments did i notice that he had a blanket rapped around his legs and after seeing this i realized the cold air coming in to the house through a hole in the roof i noticed that the roof was made out of wood wood that was cut up and then tied down there then i put some of the pieces together ax hole in the roof roof made of wood it all made sence i walked outside to find a tree i spotted one a single tree sitting all alone i had to cut it down to repair the roof so maybe the old man would finally talk to me and teach me what he knows after a while the tree finally fell to the ground and i cut it up to make it fit into the hole in the roof and noticed all the leftover wood i decided i would make his house warm up faster than it would naturally so i grabbed some of the extra wood went back to his house climbed up to his roof and placed the wood i had collected to fix the roof and climbed down and walked into the hut and placed all the leftover wood in the pit the man sat in front of then i remembered that i needed something to light the fire i was about to ask if he had anything that could do the job but remembered that that there was some flint and steel in the kitchen that i used to make the fire to cook my meat the night before i tried to find it in the kitchen it didnt take to long to do because the kitchen was nicely sorted i found it and walked back into the main room and light the wood to start a fire when i looked up i saw the man was smiling the first change of expression he had the entire time i had been there i figured that now was the time to try to talk to him so i asked him if he would train me in the art of survival then he stood up and walked away back into the room at the end of the hall i figured that it is time to go to bed now since i didnt want to stay in the main room alone i headed to bed in the room i had slept in last night but when i walked in i saw the chest was open again this time inside i found a sword like the ones i had seen in the hidden room back when my dad first showed me the secret room i was reminded of so many bad memories that i took the sword and threw it out of the room into the hall and went to bed before to long i was awake again and the sword was back but still i wasnt going to do anything with it and again threw it out into the hall but an my way back to bed the sword slid right under my feet i turned around as fast as possible but saw no one i decided enough was enough i had to get the old man to talk to me and explain what was going on even if he wanted to or not i marched into his room but he wasnt there i had to find him and get him to talk to me so i decided to go outside and look around for him but when i did i saw things that i never have before i didnt know what they where or why they where there but i did learn something very fast they where evil and ready to attack me i ran back inside and made it three steps before i tripped over the sword again this time i finally got the hint i picked up the sword and walked out side the house when the strange creatures tried to attack me i defended myself fighting against the the creators for my survival then i saw another creature out in the distance i figured that it to planned to attack me so i started a charge towards it but when it didnt move i had to stop because i couldnt kill something that wasnt attacking me it was wrong and i wasnt going to do it no matter what i walked back towards the hut and noticed the light in the main room on so i headed in to see the old man sitting in his chair i stretched the sword out to give it to him he didnt move to take it i figured it must have ment something so i drew the sword back to myself and i saw the slightest nod of approval from the man so i decided that now was the perfect time to go to bed and this time i slept through the night perfectly waking up in the morning to find that nothing was in the chest i was slightly surprised but hoped it meant that i was about to learn something from the man so i headed out to the main room to find him not sitting but standing holding a pickax out in front of him i walked over to ask him what he was going to teach me when he placed the pick in my hand and walked into his room i figured that he wanted to use the pick i had seen my dad with such an item many times and i knew exactly what to do so i headed off in search of a cave to start digging up items that would be considered rare or special that i could use to finally gain the old mans acceptance and then he would finally talk to me so i searched the mine all day long and all through the night untill i figured i had enough to impress the old man so i walked out of the mine and back to the hut but when i got to where it should have been all i saw was a piece of paper sitting on the ground on it was written you have completed the tests i had for you now you must move on and travel where you know you must go i wasnt sure what that meant but i knew i couldnt stay here it was to dangerous a place with no building i had to find a civilization that was only talked about in lore in my village a place no one dared to go because its power was so great i had to find the land called Altera so i set off to find it and maybe finally be out of reach from my fathers wraith and live in peace with myself and people who i could then again deem trustworthy
7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.hey guys i call myself actronan it was a name i made up at random to play a star wars game and it just stuck really well i started playing minecraft about 1.5 years ago where i started my first world making a temple that i have a video of and is listed i spent loads of time working on it so that i could say i did something both impressive and legit although through out the two years i have worked on many other projects that have taken my time away from my temple and now I spend most of my time on multiplayer in the mines underground searching for resources of all kinds so i can advance work on my building which span from simplicity to elaborate given the time i have to work on those buildings i enjoy going around and helping people out if they need it all i need to know is what there going for and patterns they need followed and then i will begin working unselfishly until told that the building is done where i will step back and admire the creation then return to my home and again work on that or a mine and continue along this cycle as long as i can but i do periodically go back to single player and work on my worlds or make new ones with a brand new project to work on
8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video. note the last two videos are part of the same build

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us? i figure that my rp story probably isnt the best with all the gaps and lack of time or details i have in it and i plan to update it in the future when im not worrying so much about whether or not my application is good enough to get me in and can concetrate on just filling in the details and holes in the story and if i decide that the story doesnt represent me properly i will most likely change it to fit me better but for now i do plan to run off the story i have told already

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense? i have heard this and understand the reasoning but the texture packs part i had a question on is it all texture packs or just ones that would allow a person to cheat because i periodically use texture packs but would be willing to turn them off to join the server if such thing is necessary

11. How did you find out about our server? i went on to for a rpg server and saw yours high on the list and i decided to check it out and see if i could put anything into the server of my own

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here) yes i have.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Please correct your grammar. Add period and commas, you made your question 6 one giant sentence, and its not even a sentence it has no ending period. Also the same for question 7, its not even one sentence. Fix


Thick Skulled Spaniard
9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us? i figure that my rp story probably isnt the best with all the gaps and lack of time or details i have in it and i plan to update it in the future when im not worrying so much about whether or not my application is good enough to get me in and can concetrate on just filling in the details and holes in the story and if i decide that the story doesnt represent me properly i will most likely change it to fit me better but for now i do plan to run off the story i have told already
Declined - This application is not succinct, it makes me think you are rushing into things, and the fact that there is not a single coma, dot, or paragraph into your way of typing makes it all very confusing for me to try to understand if all of your RP story makes any sense at all.

Please try again, just copy and paste your application, and take your time to make it readable.
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